I will answer any questions you have
>>2707439 (lb)
I assume you don't enjoy the show
imo, Manafort got it handed to him by Mueller
POTUS proved his point to the plant, a million years in jail is unnecessary
>It is implied that Mueller works for Trump.
>Q never made any distinction on Mueller being any kind of hat
derp, reconcile
occurs moar than you'd think
you're dense as fuck
meaning of reconcile: make (one account) consistent with another, especially by allowing for transactions begun but not yet completed.
clearly Q didn't say specifically what "color hat" Mueller wears you idiot
if Mueller is working for Trump, it means he is either a "grey hat" (meaning he has been flipped from a black hat) or a "white hat" (meaning he has been on our side the whole time)
ffs go back
you have no understanding of whats going on based on your own statements
shouldn't have slide with you
either FOX is dumb as fuck and never heard of Huber, or or they're playing dumb
I'm not sure, but I think they're playing dumb based on crumbs
great perspective anon, thanks
they keep whining that no one is being investigated, yet Huber has been doing it since late 2017
its incredible, but it gets brought up once a month
Cohen is a sleazy, sneaky fuck
I doubt POTUS would give him a pardon anyway
I see POTUS pardoning Manafort because he didn't try to make shit up to get a deal, like Cohen did