Doorway to redpilling
I just showed this video to the toughest nut to crack among all the people I know.
It broke their shell of denial. They are now ready to listen.
May other anons have the same luck with it.
Doorway to redpilling
I just showed this video to the toughest nut to crack among all the people I know.
It broke their shell of denial. They are now ready to listen.
May other anons have the same luck with it.
Stop that (get thee behind us, Satan)
Spiritual warriors are welcome here. If Bible quotes are GOOD ENOUGH FOR Q, and if its good enough for POTUS to pray, then you just have to accept it from the REST OF THE TEAM.
your atheism will be tolerated, but you will have to learn tolerance for the God fearing. STFU
(haven't really seen many Satan shills yet, but Ill be watching now)
what was that site that brock put up, Verrito, or something? it was supposed to be the source for all news, you could verify your social media post accuracy before posting.
we made that have a very short life by making fake verritio/verifio/whatever memes
I think Im going to make a lot of fake twitter caps
first, do you have the picture of the google cEO in NK setting up the server?
ill see if I can find the pic, i know I have it but Im getting behind in organizing
This is a battle of Good versus Evil
you're taking the wrong side, satan, because we aren't going to fall into civil war like (((they))) want us to
well, no lawfag either, but let's put it this way
This is 100 times any given other year, for sealed indictments. 100x
2nd one turned up in a search- seems an earlier trip for Eric Schmidt and his redheaded goon at a university library in NK
what was the misspell on the pompeo account?