Kristen Bell
Top fucking kek
I just got into this YT channel because there has been a video posted here the last couple days about Q.
They have a really damn good channel and this little interview gives a pretty broad overview of where we are headed with the truth, I believe.
For those that are interested
Laura Eisenhower, the great granddaughter of former president Eisenhower, talks about space and mars and pedophilia etc
broad and brief overview and its only 12 minutes long
Oh, and she hates Hillary
Pretty sure it does because it makes my skin crawl when I used to eat it.
It tastes fake as fuck to me
Ahh yes, reminds me of California
Ohhhh look what the cat dragged in
Later he will
He has more house cleaning to do otherwise they will find a way to false flag it with an assassination attempt
He likes doing that
*sour face
Didnt somebody also call Comey that?