Fucking retards are going into (((jewry))) overdrive. Bear in mind the msm shill level operators actually think they are winning.
This is how we know they will lose.
Fucking retards are going into (((jewry))) overdrive. Bear in mind the msm shill level operators actually think they are winning.
This is how we know they will lose.
ANONS, this is fucking huge
Idemia: The Corporation Building Spy Grid in China, National ID in India Also Creates Drivers Licenses in the U.S.
"Company that helps manufacture U.S. citizens drivers licenses brags of “building and managing databases of entire populations” across the globe.
Big Tech has gathered unprecedented amounts of personal data from millions of people. At the same time, a system of total surveillance has been constructed: Facial recognition, biometric scanning, cell phone surveillance and more have amassed a huge amount of information.
We see the stories about the growing surveillance state, but we don’t hear about the gigantic multinational corporation that is helping to build the physical infrastructure supporting it.
Idemia (formerly Morpho), is a billion dollar multinational corporation. It is responsible for building a significant portion of the world’s biometric surveillance and security systems, operating in about 70 countries. Some American clients of the company include the Department of Defense, Homeland Security, and the FBI"
"From the company site:
Morpho has been building and managing databases of entire populations for governments, law enforcement agencies and other government bodies around the world, whether for national ID, health cards, bank cards or even driver license programs.
In the United States, Idemia is involved in the making of state issued drivers licenses in 42 states."
Do you realize what is happening? This is NOT something that is constrained by flags or even ethnic groups.
World wide tentacles reaching into the highest levels of the government (puppets).
Same principle applies to banking systems.
Grandmothers will sell out their own granddaughters to be raped and killed for a smiley sticker and a pat on the head, etc.
World is [[their]] garden, etc.