Anonymous ID: e02bf8 Aug. 22, 2018, 8:59 p.m. No.2709080   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9140 >>9144 >>9199 >>9248 >>9393

Another anon posted this 2 breads ago. I thought it was a very interesting theory and didn't want it to go by.

Basically Cohen being a plant by Hillary's gang.

Cohen taping Trump was also very strange.

Cohen saying "Paying Stormy was suggested to me by a Federal Candidate - HILLARY


I can't take credit of this other anon who I asked to repost it, but I think it is NOTABLE.


So in August 2016, American Media, Inc., the publisher of the National Enquirer had paid a hundred and fifty thousand dollars for exclusive rights for Karen McDougal’s story about an affair with Trump in 2006. American Media decided not to publish the story and claimed it was not creditable. (When was National Enquirer ever concerned about a story being creditable!) Anyway they sat on it. Why? Because the Chairmen David Pecker of Media Matters considers himself close friends with Trump (see pics). In October 2016, Cohen found out about McDougal story and wanted to purchase the non-disclosure agreement from American Media. Why? According The the NewYorker, David Pecker would never publish a story about Trump without Trumps OK. When the Pecker found out about the deal of selling the non-disclosure to Cohen he abruptly canceled the agreement and no money was exchanged. Why did Cohen want the non-disclosure. The sorry would not be released and was safe with David Pecker. Cohen was looking to have McDougal go public with the story before the election but she couldn’t because of the non-disclosure with American Media. Time was fast approaching and they needed an insurance plan and quickly was able to get Stormy. I am sure the $135k that was paid by Cohen was just a down payment. That money is what Cohen claims to have billed the Trump organization in 2017. Was Stormy paid more money to make this claim and was it funded by the DNC Campaign. Is that what Cohen plead guilty to with attempt to influence the Election. There is more to the story including questions related to references to Trump are the affairs that of Donald Trump Jr. and not POTUS. I have a feeling that is the case.


NewYorker Article.

Anonymous ID: e02bf8 Aug. 22, 2018, 9:10 p.m. No.2709217   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9250


Why don't you just fix it like you like and repost it?

I will suggest Notable when you do.

Thanks anon.

I thought it odd that he taped Trump,

and that he didn't name Trump but said "Federal Candidate" Who I think is HILLARY.

Anonymous ID: e02bf8 Aug. 22, 2018, 9:27 p.m. No.2709361   🗄️.is 🔗kun


But, proving that it was actually the DNC that paid Cohen a 'bonus' for getting Stormy on board,

could prove that Hillary's Campaign was actually the one who committed Campaign Fraud, etc.

Anonymous ID: e02bf8 Aug. 22, 2018, 9:30 p.m. No.2709384   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Cohen agreeing to being 'guilty' of committing campaign violation when it was not,

it fucking nuts. What real attorney would let their client pleading guilty on something that was not illegal.

This whole thing is fishy as fuck. Twists and turns in this movie for sure.