Anonymous ID: 7182cc Aug. 23, 2018, 1:57 a.m. No.2710376   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0382 >>0491

Soros International Criminal and Ocasio ' crazy eyes' Cortez in the news again


The New York Times wrote that the communist was able to defeat her opponent, who greatly outspent her, due to her online presence. In an interview with a “progressive” and communist-leaning digital media outlet The Young Turks, which is a member of a Soros-funded network of far-left publications called The Media Consortium, Ocasio-Cortez also admits that their coverage helped her achieve her win.


Link to article:


Digital Media Outle 'The Young Turks'…Election video.


The Media Consortium is a Soros a media empire that, according to Media Research Center (MRC), reaches nearly 300 million people a month. Not only that, but Soros is responsible for funding nearly every major left-wing media publication in order to manipulate and shape public opinion (brainwash).

Link to members list:


Donations from:

Anonymous ID: 7182cc Aug. 23, 2018, 2:11 a.m. No.2710418   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0422


I want this fucker caught for something. He's always the money behind the crime, but that's as close as the evidence can get. Interferes with nearly every country and is heavily protected agaist any consequences.

It's always the little people that have accidents.