wikileaks recently dumped 5 million emails on Stratfor.
watched the show, curious about claims he worked for them.
He did. Verified.
It looks like he was in a department heading as Webmaster, and in contact with technician "Mike" re: any issues. Appears there were a couple of website failures causing subscription problems. I guess Stratfor sells their analysis to subscribers online, and that had failed.
Here is the last date Jones is referenced: 11/7/05
Here is the email:
RE: Status of Posting on Google News
Alex is no longer with Stratfor, so please be in touch with me directly as
appropriate. Mike Mooney can provide assistance from a technical
standpoint and is copied here as well - he is
Per your email from Friday afternoon, we are aware of the click-through
issue are are working it as our top priority to resolve today and this
week. We certainly do not want to lose the first click free
designation, so if there is anything we can do to ensure we do not go to
subscriber-only status this week in addition to getting the issue fixed,
please let us know. If there is a deadline to when the status will
switch, please let me know that as well so we can do our best to make the
cutoff. In the meantime, we are working on this end to get this resolved.
Use this link to see the email chain:¬itle=&date=&nofrom=¬o=&count=50&sort=0&file=&docid=&relid=0#searchresult