Anonymous ID: 8df8b8 Aug. 23, 2018, 5:22 a.m. No.2711099   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1103 >>1106 >>1111 >>1114 >>1126 >>1183 >>1252

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Q Drop #902 on 09 March, 2018 Said; SEALS. Where there was once darkness, there is now LIGHT. Sea to shining sea. Godspeed. SEALS is for the SEALs, obviously. Darkness to Light is referring to all of the bad things that have been done to them, (The Seals) is going to come out, they know EVERYTHING. Sea to Shining Sea refers to the Military Commands at MacDill AFB in Tampa whose area of control essentially cover the entire Globe.Godspeed is the end of the prayer wishing them well on the future days to come.

On July 31, 2018, POTUS had his famous Tampa Rally in Tampa Fla which is the only Rally to Date that Q signs were permitted at. I think I have an idea why…I believe the answer lies within Tampa itself. Most people aren’t aware of the significance of MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa. Other than lot of Brass everywhere it is a quiet little Base sitting on Tampa Bay with by my standards a dirty Beach, but you may be surprised to find out there is a lot moar there than you think. The four most prominent Units there are; 1. Headquarters, United States Central Command (USCENTCOM), 2. Headquarters, United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM), 3. Headquarters, United States Marine Forces Central Command (MARCENT) and 4. Headquarters, United States Special Operations Command Central (SOCCENT).

Why the Q signs you are thinking? Well, as with everything else it was a message. To whom? For one it was to John Brennan, 2, Hussein and anybody else paying attention, William McRaven of course and maybe even Joseph Voltec? Voltec may however be a white hat trusted by Mattis. I say all this because it was McRaven that led me here. Q says be to pay attention to those who scream the loudest. Well Retired Navy SEAL, Admiral William H McRaven lives in Tampa as he was the Commanding Officer of United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM). You see, each branch has a Special Operations Command [SPEC OPS or SPEC WAR I.E. Green Berets or Army Rangers, Marine Recon, Navy SEALS and Boat Teams, Air Force Special Ops), you know the REAL BADASSES!!!] That is unique and capable of running its own operations, but when the different special operations forces need to work together for an operation, USSOCOM becomes the joint component command of the operation, instead of a SOC of a specific branch. McRaven is the guy who penned the letter to POTUS last week saying “Therefore, I would consider it an honor if you would revoke my security clearance as well, so I can add my name to the list of men and women who have spoken up against your presidency.” in regards to the revocation of John Brennan’s Security Clearance. I don’t think anyone knows too much about the Admiral but first I want to make a timeline which will show that although McRaven is a Decorated SpecOp warfighter, he is also one who does not like deviations from HIS plans and therefore a likely candidate for retaliation; to begin with, midway in his Career, President Hussein took Office Jan 20 2009. McRaven served the Commander of Joint Special Operations Command, [JSOC], from June 13, 2008, to August 8, 2011. August 8 is important, you’ll see why.

IN 2008, TENSIONS began to rise between SEAL Team 6 and the CIA over operations in Afghanistan… The CIA joined operators from Gold Squadron [SEAL Team 6] for an operation near Jalalabad…the CIA requested that the SEALs capture, rather than kill, their militant targets…Despite orders to detain the men, the SEALs killed all six…counted down and canoed each sleeping man with a shot to the forehead… All six were photographed. The CIA team on the operation was angry because they had lost an opportunity to interrogate the suspected militants…CIA paramilitary officer named Richard Smethers, who was himself a retired SEAL Team 6 officer, complained… Smethers threatened to expose the SEALs …Over a period of several weeks; a fight erupted between SEAL Team 6 and CIA officers in Afghanistan. The SEALs quickly intervened and made a deal with the CIA station in Kabul. Gold Squadron was set to redeploy to the U.S., and the SEALs promised to rein in their operators. In exchange, Smethers, who never filed an official allegation or complaint, was sent back to the U.S. …SMETHERS’S threat to expose Team 6 came just as Vice Adm. William McRaven settled in as the new commander of the Joint Special Operations Command. … In the early 1980s, a group of seasoned enlisted SEAL Team 6 operators kicked McRaven off a training exercise, relieving him of his already tenuous command for being too rule-bound. McRaven was subsequently transferred from the unit.

Anonymous ID: 8df8b8 Aug. 23, 2018, 5:22 a.m. No.2711103   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1106 >>1111 >>1252


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After taking over JSOC… He ordered a pause in most SEAL and JSOC operations over a two-week period in February 2009. …Although the stoppage was not limited to the SEALs, his former unit pushed back against a new set of operational guidelines…First, the SEALs would now be required to do “call outs” before entering a compound… arguing that call outs gave up the tactical advantage of surprise. McRaven’s other directive … to document and justify combatant deaths. Basically he made them document victims, weapons, everything so they could appease the Local Government officials.

MCRAVEN’S NEW ORDERS set off a struggle… series of high-profile hostage rescues ordered by President Obama. Rescue of Capt. Richard Phillips, captain of the commercial vessel the “Maersk Alabama,” in April 2009…. Red Squadron snipers killed three Somali pirates … McRaven, who commanded the operation, had not ordered the snipers to fire… was informed of the killings only after he knew Phillips was safe, was incensed. $30,000 in cash…went missing… investigated two members of Red Squadron and conducted polygraphs, but the money was never recovered and neither of the SEALs was charged.

February 12, 2010; The Raid on Khataba, also referred to as the raid on Gardez, was an incident in which five civilians, including two pregnant women and a teenage girl, were killed by U.S. forces, [75th Ranger Regiment].Vice Admiral William McRaven, head of the JSOC, the command over the unit which conducted the raid, visited Khataba two months after the raid. He offered an apology and accepted responsibility for the deaths and made a traditional Afghan condolence offering of sheep.

Oct. 9 2010, SEAL Team 6 …rescue a British aid worker named Linda Norgrove, …. code-named ANSTRUTHER, …Norgrove, … worked with Britain’s MI-6, … Silver Squadron operators killed several captors but accidentally killed Norgrove when an inexperienced SEAL threw a fragment grenade at one of the captors… JSOC officer watching drone footage of the operation noticed one of the SEALs throw an object that landed and exploded near where Norgrove’s body was found…After a joint British-American investigation into the operation identified the failures and recommended that only the SEAL who threw the grenade be punished, McRaven personally … all three SEALs involved in the cover-up should be thrown out of SEAL Team 6. The “admiral’s mast” was an unprecedented…

McRaven… meeting with a large group of senior officers … SEAL Team 6 had effectively made lying to protect a teammate an honorable course of action.

Directly related to this incident… In October 2010, Gen. James Mattis, then the head of U.S. Central Command, chose him (Army General Joseph L Voltec) to lead an investigation into how British aid worker Linda Norgrove was killed that Oct. 9 during a failed rescue attempt in Afghanistan by JSOC troops.

Votel was serving at the time as the chief of staff of SOCOM, and some questioned whether he’d spent too much time in JSOC to investigate its forces critically. But Mattis and others pushed back, saying he was the most qualified for the job, according to an Army Times article published at the time. The troops involved in the botched mission were “shaking when they knew who was coming to do the investigation,” one source told the newspaper.

In 2010, Admiral William McRaven, then leading the Joint Special Operations Command, ALSO officially requested that women soldiers join Army Rangers on combat missions.

According to The New York Times, "In February, Mr. Panetta called then-Vice Adm. William H. McRaven, commander of the Pentagon's Joint Special Operations Command, to CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia, to give him details about the

Anonymous ID: 8df8b8 Aug. 23, 2018, 5:23 a.m. No.2711106   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1111 >>1252



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compound and to begin planning a military strike. The day before the assault, President Obama to called Admiral McRaven, to wish him luck".

On April 6, 2011, McRaven was nominated by President Barack Obama for promotion from the rank of vice admiral to admiral and appointed as the ninth commander of USSOCOM, of which JSOC is a component. His Nomination would be confirmed.

May 2, 2011 Usama Bin Laden is Killed by Seal Team 6. Way too much info here to go into this rabbit hole. Here is however a comical Timeline offered by CNN of the days events, Straight friom the C_A at CNN so you know it’s modtly lies’KEK

Although Obama's speech did not mention SEAL Team 6 by name, Vice President Joe Biden's speech on May 3, 2011 to the Atlantic Council Annual Awards Dinner did specifically congratulate the "Navy SEALs and what they did last Sunday.”… Basically the Obama Admin outed Seal Tweam 6 to the world and put a target on their back.

On May 13, 2011, McRaven sent email titled "OPSEC Guidance / Neptune Spear" that instructed redacted recipients that "all photos [of UBL's remains] should have been turned over to the CIA; if you still have them destroy them immediately" or "get them to" a recipient whose identity was redacted.

August 6, 2011, a U.S. Army Chinook helicopter, call sign Extortion 17, entered the western opening of Afghanistan’s restive Tangi Valley, flying alone. …In the rear of the aircraft, the Chinook’s passengers stood and prepared to storm out into moonless night once the wheels touched the ground. Extortion 17, however,

would never reach that landing zone. Hours earlier, …Extortion 16, inserted a strike force in the central Tangi Valley. Composed primarily of members of the 75th Ranger Regiment, which falls under the authority of the secretive Joint Special Operations Command, or JSOC…

This was the beginning of the story of how Seal Team 6 was assassinated while performing their duties. Too many idiosyncrasies once again for this too have been an accident.

Anonymous ID: 8df8b8 Aug. 23, 2018, 5:24 a.m. No.2711111   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1252 >>1279 >>1287




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Aug 8 2011 Remember I said this was important, two days after the Assassination of Seal Team Six Members, 4 Star Admiral William McRaven takes Command of U.S. Special Operations Command at MacDill AFB in Tampa… Notably, after a 37-year career, Admiral McRaven retired from the Navy on 1 September 2014. During the last few years of his career he was also Bull Frog, the longest serving Navy SEAL still on duty, having succeeded his SOCOM predecessor Eric T. Olson in the title. Let me take this opportunity to interject that General Voltec is the fastest rising star in the Army. Every time McRaven left somewhere, Voltec arrived. Almost like a shadow. Voltec 75th Ranger Regiment under JSOC, JSOC Commander and USSOC Commander not to be forgotten.

In 2012, McRaven was named one of the nation’s Top 10 Foreign Policy Experts by Foreign Policy magazine and was later selected as one of the Top 100 Global Thinkers. In 2014, Politico magazine named him one of the Politico 50, citing his leadership as instrumental in cutting though Washington bureaucracy. Additionally, Fortune magazine added McRaven to their list of the World’s 50 Greatest Leaders in 2015. McRaven currently serves as a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, and in January 2015, he assumed the role as Chancellor of the University of Texas System.

He formally stepped into his Globalist Leadership role by becoming a Board of Director on the Council on Foreign Relations and serves on the Defense

Innovation Board.

On Board of Directors of CFR Council of Foreign Relations with current Term Expiring 2020

Admiral McRaven was selected the lone finalist for the chancellor of the University of Texas System on July 29, 2014. McRaven began this role in January 2015. On December 15, 2017, McRaven announced that he is stepping down from the role of Chancellor in 2018.

Possibly the TL;DR of this would ??? It’s no secret that Obama was ridding the Military of it’s “GOOD” Leaders. Obama picked McRaven to do his dirty work in Special Forces because he knew that he had Issues with the members of Seal Team Six and the 75th Ranger Regiment. Both of these two teams he had a certain amount of disdain for making it easier to weed out the boys who were messing with the Muzzies. Tie their hands as much as he could. Even get some killed… The rest falls into place.


Really long but the best read of any of this in much more detail is at: