Anonymous ID: 2b9e1f Aug. 23, 2018, 8:40 a.m. No.2712239   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2295


The religion of Catholicism has gone through centuries of torture. It has kid fucking at the core of its doctrine. If you don't condone kidfucking and turn your back on the church as a result, you go to hell for eternity. It has managed to control kings and governments, and has a former bouncer commie from South America as its infallible voice of God. And he is a boy scout compared to some of the popes of the past. In spite of all these facts, there are still 1.3 BILLION catholics worldwide.


You see, most people are stupid, low IQ sheep with no balls, no brains, and no ability to form an independent thought. They are also weak and scared, and will latch onto anything as long as it promises them that one day their fantasies will come true, no matter how illogical it is.


Q religion is no different. It has the same type of followers, and follows the exact same formula. I'll give you promises and hope. I'll stoke your ego- I'll tell you that you are a great Patriot, with an essential role in saving humanity. All I ask in turn is that you give me unquestioning obedience and trust, and let me do the thinking for you. Just stay docile and trust, and all will be ok.


You are all a cancer for our movement. While you stay here basking in your double digit IQ moronicism and faith, our last hope for this country is being clobbered by an intelligent, ruthless, motivated left. A left that fights in the real world, and is scoring real world victories. All while you children circle jerk each other off in fantasy land.


You are all a cancer for the MAGA movement, and you should be ashamed of yourselves.

Anonymous ID: 2b9e1f Aug. 23, 2018, 8:56 a.m. No.2712353   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Thanks for providing an example of exactly what I'm talking about.

Tell me, are you married? If so do you think your wife will lose whatever respect she once had for you after this? You have probably been telling her about Q, and about how you are saving the world for the last 9 months. Now that you are shown to be nothing more than a gullible retard, what will she think?


I always wonder when I see the families with Q shirts on what their kids will think of their parents when they grow up in the post-Trump socialist hell and think back on how stupid, weak and ineffectual daddy was, and how he let the left turn him into a foolish cuck.