Anonymous ID: 8c8715 Aug. 23, 2018, 9:02 a.m. No.2712388   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2434 >>2447 >>2451 >>2500

Obama’s surveillance Hammer on Trump worse than Watergate

written by Mary Fanning and Alan Jones Jun 8, 2017 Obama’s surveillance Hammer on Trump worse than Watergate

written by Mary Fanning and Alan Jones Jun 8, 2017


WASHINGTON, DC, June 7, 2017 ⏤ On June 5, whistleblower and former CIA/NSA contractor Dennis Montgomery filed a federal lawsuit [Dennis Montgomery, et. al, vs. James Comey,] against former President Barack Obama, former CIA Director John Brennan, former FBI director James Comey, former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, the NSA, the CIA and other former and current government officials.


The suit claims that the defendants failed to investigate Montgomery’s whistleblower reports of illegal surveillance on Donald Trump and millions of other Americans.


Montgomery alleges that the U.S. government wiretapped 17 Trump businesses including Trump Tower, Trump leasing programs, Donald Trump himself and various Trump family members. All were wiretapped under the Obama administration. There has been a wiretap on Trump for years, according to Montgomery.


“The proof of Donald Trump being wiretapped is in the documents that were handed over to the FBI” Montgomery’s attorney Larry Klayman told reporters Fanning and Jones today.


Klayman is the founder of Judicial Watch and of Freedom Watch, which issued a press release about Montgomery’s complaint.


Although the suit does not identify the surveillance system by name, audio recordings released in 2015 by United States District Court Judge G. Murray Snow in Maricopa County, Arizona identify a secret government surveillance system called “the Hammer,” allegedly used to spy on Trump, 159 judges including Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts, and millions of other Americans.


Klayman reported that Montgomery indicated that the surveillance program also targeted late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, who was found dead at an exclusive Texas hunting ranch in 2016.


According to an audio recording of Tim Blixseth, whose ex-wife worked with Montgomery at Blxware LLC of Bellevue, Washington, “the Hammer” was used to wiretap Donald Trump “a zillion times.”


“Everything they said they didn’t do, that Brennan said recently, mainly Clapper. It’s all bullshit, and I’ve got it right here” says Tim Blixseth on one of the audio recordings.



A leaked CIA Information Operations Center document published in March 2017 WikiLeaks “Vault 7” dump identifies a CIA hacking tool called HAMR. A computer expert who worked for the military and a major government agency involved in defense who reviewed the leaked CIA document believes that the “Hammer” and “HAMR” refer to the same surveillance system.


Under grants of immunity obtained with the help of United States District Court Judge Royce C. Lamberth, former head of the FISA Court, Klayman brought Montgomery to FBI Director James Comey. “We brought Montgomery forward to FBI Director James Comey, through his General Counsel James Baker” Klayman wrote at Newsmax.


On August 19, 2015, Montgomery produced 46 hard drives and 600 million pages of evidence documenting illegal surveillance to the FBI. The law enforcement agency took possession of Montgomery’s evidence, giving Montgomery a receipt for his production of the physical evidence.


In Decembe 2015, Montgomery was debriefed for three hours at the FBI’s Washington D.C. Field Office, inside a secure room known as a Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility (SCIF), where he gave a videotaped deposition.


Many of these events were detailed in a May 3, 2017 interview with Montgomery on Klayman’s new radio program “Special Prosecutor.”


Montgomery named names, specifically John Brennan and James Clapper. According to Klayman,“


“Montgomery laid out how persons like then-businessman Donald Trump were illegally spied upon by Clapper, Brennan, and the spy agencies of the Obama administration. He even claimed that these spy agencies had manipulated voting in Florida during the 2008 presidential election, illegal tampering that helped Obama win the White House.”


Montgomery says that he never took the Fifth in any interviews or depositions, answering every single question asked of him by the FBI. Montgomery named names and alleges that James Clapper and John Brennan broke laws.


More at link.

Anonymous ID: 8c8715 Aug. 23, 2018, 9:04 a.m. No.2712408   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2473

Did the FBI have evidence of a breach larger than Snowden? A lawsuit says yes.


June 06, 2017 12:08 PM EDT


A former U.S. intelligence contractor tells Circa he walked away with more than 600 million classified documents on 47 hard drives from the National Security Agency and the CIA, a haul potentially larger than Edward Snowden's now infamous breach.


And now he is suing former FBI Director James Comey and other government figures, alleging the bureau has covered up evidence he provided them showing widespread spying on Americans that violated civil liberties.


The suit, filed late Monday night by Dennis Montgomery, was assigned to the same federal judge who has already ruled that some of the NSA's collection of data on Americans violates the U.S. Constitution’s Fourth Amendment, setting up an intriguing legal proceeding in the nation’s capital this summer.


Montgomery says the evidence he gave to the FBI chronicle the warrantless collection of phone, financial and personal data and the unmasking of identities in spy data about millions of Americans,.


“This domestic surveillance was all being done on computers supplied by the FBI," Montgomery told Circa in an interview. "So these supercomputers, which are FBI computers, the CIA is using them to do domestic surveillance."


Documents obtained by Circa outside of the lawsuit show that the U.S. attorney’s office in Washington in 2015 approved a grant of limited immunity for Montgomery so he could explain how he managed to walk out of his contract and the buildings he worked in with the classified material.


Read | The DOJ letter to Montgomery


Montgomery alleges that more than 20 million American identities were illegally unmasked - credit reports, emails, phone conversations and Internet traffic, were some of the items the NSA and CIA collected.


He said he returned the hard drives to the FBI, a fact confirmed in government documents reviewed by Circa.


"They're doing this domestic surveillance on Americans, running a project on U.S. soil," Montgomery alleged. He did not disclose the classified name of the project but said he revealed all aspects of the project during his interview with the FBI.


"Can you imagine what someone can do with the information they were collecting on Americans, can you imagine that kind of power."


Officials with the FBI and CIA declined to comment due to current and pending litigation.


More at link.

Anonymous ID: 8c8715 Aug. 23, 2018, 9:21 a.m. No.2712529   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Fake pic push by MSM.

Videos / backup.

Google kill.

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Net will be paused.


On the clock.


Anonymous ID: 8c8715 Aug. 23, 2018, 9:22 a.m. No.2712542   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2548 >>2603


WASHINGTON — Former FBI director James Comey seized and buried volumes of information that demonstrated a wide-ranging government surveillance operation targeting Donald Trump before he became president.


Larry Klayman, attorney for former NSA and CIA contractor and whistleblower Dennis Montgomery, delivered to the FBI 47 hard drives and data amounting to more than 600 million pages of documentation on the surveillance scheme. Then-FBI director James Comey’s general counsel James Baker took the data into his possession, according to multiple sources. But despite possessing Montgomery’s bombshell whistleblower revelations, Comey never acted on or publicized the information.


Additionally, Comey’s former firm Lockheed Martin granted entry to Montgomery to one of its facilities to help him work on the alleged mass surveillance program, which was allegedly overseen by Obama administration officials John Brennan and James Clapper and specifically targeted Trump.


Real estate mogul Timothy Blixseth claims that he saw records from Montgomery proving that Obama CIA director John Brennan oversaw repeated spying on the phone calls of President Donald Trump and millions of other private American citizens. An audiotape of an interview Blixseth gave –released by Federal Judge G. Murray Snow as part of a civil case — is presented below.


In the audiotaped interview — conducted before Trump ever ran for president — Blixseth spoke to former Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio and detective Mike Zullo. The audio was released in connection with a civil contempt case that the Department of Justice filed against Arpaio. The audio of this conversation appears to only be preserved in one location on the Internet, on a whistleblower Soundcloud page.


“This guy showed me 900 million phone calls. And I see myself in there. I see people I know. I see Donald Trump in there a zillion times, and Bloomberg is in there,” Blixseth said on the tape, referring to information that Montgomery allegedly showed him.




“He’s a very genius computer guy,” Blixseth said of Montgomery. “What they did is, they were actually working for the CIA. And they mask it as — I’m sure you’ll remember this — the contracts with the CIA, of which I had many copies, said that they were decoding Al-Jazeera television, said that there was broadcast embedded, remember that? Owned by Gore? Al Gore’s got part of it now. But it was all bullshit. That was bullshit. That was a front by the CIA. And this guy [Montgomery] worked for Brennan and Clapper. Those were the two guys running it,” Timothy Blixseth told Arpaio and Zullo on the tape.


“He started out in 2004 with another partner in Reno, Nevada, called eTreppid. They collected about $40 million from the CIA. Top security clearance. All kinds of letters…In 2006 they started a new company that [my ex-wife] owns, and they started doing the same business for the government. What it really turns out they were doing is they were hacking into all of America.”


Big League Politics called the listed number for eTreppid Technologies, but we were told that Montgomery no longer works there. “That company closed down years ago, sir,” a representative said of eTreppid Technologies. When asked what the company is called now, the representative said, “I’m sorry, I can’t discuss any more with you.”


Blixseth claimed in his conversation with Zullo and Arpaio that Brennan and Clapper were running the operation.


“Everything they said they didn’t do, that Brennan said recently, mainly Clapper. It’s all bullshit. And I’ve got it right here,” Blixseth said.


Now the story gets better.

Anonymous ID: 8c8715 Aug. 23, 2018, 9:23 a.m. No.2712548   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2573





Dennis Montgomery told Zullo in a separate interview — also preserved and released on audiotape — that he gained entry to a Lockheed Martin facility in Los Angeles to work on the surveillance program on a super computer contained at the facility. James Comey served as an executive at Lockheed Martin from 2005 until 2010. An insider close to the story estimates that Montgomery gained access to the facility in 2009, at the beginning of the Obama administration, but that date is only a close estimate. Lockheed Martin did not immediately return a request for comment for this report.


Montgomery told Zullo on the tape that he accepted nearly eight thousand dollars from someone, with no receipt, and went to Los Angeles to use the facility.


“Lockheed,” Montgomery said, referring to the company that operated the facility he used.


Why did he have to use that Lockheed facility? Because it had a super-computer that made it easier for him to open a disk related to the surveillance program.


“Well, the thing is, I could get on something that was a thousand times faster,” Montgomery said of the facility’s computer.




Klayman has called on House Intelligence Committee chairman Rep. Devin Nunes to hear testimony from Montgomery.


“We don’t have any comment,” the FBI told Big League Politics.


As I reported last year, “When President Obama nominated Comey to become FBI director in 2013, Comey promised the United States Senate that he would recuse himself on all cases involving former employers. But Comey earned $6 million in one year alone from Lockheed Martin. Lockheed Martin became a Clinton Foundation donor that very year.”


Below is a screenshot of an email that Zullo sent to Montgomery, who uses the pseudonym “David Webb,” informing him that his “immunity deal is done.”