Anonymous ID: 99ad5e Aug. 23, 2018, 9:58 a.m. No.2712826   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Background on Bruce Genesoke Ohr…

He seems to be slicked too

Started here


And then go down into comments.

He studied physics like his dad (obituary link below) maybe a long shot but physics and nukes kind of go together.

Obit down on page 4 pdf lower left.

Prof. Sekyu Michael Ohr, chairman of the Materials Science and Engineering Department, State University of New York at Stony Brook, passed away on May 16, 1988 after a brief illness. Prior to joining the university in January 1986, Prof. Ohr completed a 22-year career at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. A memorial scholarship fund has been established in his name at the university.


But here is another, yes I know rense, bit who else had this? So speculation then but interesting

The Ohrs’ relationship with the retired MI-6 spy Christopher Steele, the supposed author of the Russia Dossier, began at least than three years ago, long before Trump contemplated a presidential bid and in all likelihood much earlier during the FIFA soccer investigation.

In his role as Assistant Deputy Director at DOJ, Bruce Ohr met Steele in Russia in mid-May 2013 at the third St. Petersburg International Legal Forum. The Korean-American Ohr presented a paper titled “Criminal Matters and Allegations of Crimes in International Arbitration”, a choice of topic timed to undermine Russian counter-claims in the Magnitsky affair. In hindsight it’s ironic that his lecture synopsis included an apt description of the yet to-be drafted Russia Dossier: “a party (in a dispute) may introduce false testimony or forged documents.”



Former DNC chairwoman Donna Brazile complained in her new book about being treated by Hillary insiders like a slave and denied a workable budget. Despite the penny-pinching to pay staff and expenses, the DNC and Hillary campaign generously forked over up to a half-million dollars for the Trump-Russia fabrication.

Donna, Cheng, and Clinton Foundation blurb connecting back to Bruce.

The financial bursar for both entities was Dennis Cheng, the secretive mandarin in the shadows, who previously served as chief development officer (fundraising treasurer) of the Clinton Foundation,


But hang on.


Espionage is a family tradition for Nellie Ohr, much as his maternal lineage has been for Barack Obama among the CIA’s Dunham clan of Honolulu. Her mother Kathleen Armstrong Hauke was a Cold War liberal and promoter of racial integration in Atlanta, where she wrote biographies of pioneering leftist black journalist Ted Poston. Later in the late 1980s, Kathleen taught English in Nairobi, Kenya (two decades after Ann Dunham met her paramour Barack Obama Sr. in Kenya while on CIA assignment) Race-mixing was not solely an individual choice in that era, not when the CIA actively promoted interracial marriages in competition against the Soviet Union’s propaganda of racial equality. The American South and Africa were two battlegrounds where mixed-blood youths, like Barack Obama Jr., were groomed as leaders by either side of the Cold War.

The 2004 obituary of Kathleen Hauke mentioned that her daughter Nellie was a resident of McLean, Virginia the (township of the Langley neighborhood location of CIA headquarters). 


This blurb may place Nellie's mom in Africa about the same time as Haspel, that Strzok priest in country, and Brennan, and now Nellie's mom.?


everywhere they go the same characters gather.