Anonymous ID: c8cd8f Aug. 23, 2018, 8:16 a.m. No.2712088   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2117 >>2156 >>2172 >>2372



Search tapes on YouTube by Barbara Marciniak and by Kryon for current info. And word “Pleiadians”.

Suburu is Japanese for Pleiades. Data everywhere thru out history on them.

American Indians and Mayans tracked them too.

Also in Bible.

Believe St.Germain (history) was a Pleiadian. The mystery man present during the US Continental Congress.


Pleiades sometimes referenced as “Seven Sisters”. Translation of word Pleiades is “whirling spiral energy”. May be both planetary system as well as site portal into another Universe system.


Marciniak tells story that Pleiades planetary group was peaceful then invaded by Reptiles/Annunaki/Draco and by then they (Pleiades) had lost their defense systems due to eons of Peace. Eventually they fought back. Another source states DJT is 5th dimension Soul part Pleiadian and part Reptile. DJT needed some Reptile DNA in order to have the knowledge to fight them using their own methods.


One Pleiadian group “Aldebarans” (Bull’s Eye) rebelled and joined the Reptiles. (See ‘Dark Star’ story in Star Wars). The Pleiadian group that contacted Hitler / Nazi appears to have been Aldebaran rebels. Sometimes referred to as “Nordics”. Look the SAME as regular Pleiadians. Tall, blonde “Aryan”. Some of Nazi seem to be Aldebaran hybrids ex. Werner Von Braun - NASA Director, space rocket tech. Note a German Braun also “discovered” radio/TV systems (not Marconi).


Khazarian “fake Jews” appear to be Reptile hybrids. Schumer. Schiff. Feinstein. etc. See Bible Genesis 6:1-6 where “gods/ Elohim” mated with Humans. See all the “begotting” reference in Bible - they are tracking the space race DNA. Hybrid meaning the physical body contains some of the space race DNA which allows the body to easier communicate with the parental race. Communication meaning direct or “intuition” or thru dreams.


Marciniak tells story Pleiades are here now from future as they have diagnosed the Artificial Intel /AI Infection (“The Matrix”) attached to the Reptile race (parasite needs Host like Virus) to have gotten out of control here (Earth 2000). They believe if they can wake up humans in this time dimension they can prevent the AI infection from spreading to their future.

The “Transgender” push is part of the AI infection. The Reptile race seems to have lost their ability to breed (AI infection symptom), part of why they mated with humans (Gen 6:1-5(6)6 = 666) who are (were) very fertile. Transgender is an AI infection program. AI / Arty Intel wants Humans to lose fertility and just be bred in test tubes (pods) to feed AI divine energy of which it has no direct connection. Fertility is a very strong connection energetically with Divine Creator — a birthright gift. AI wants humans to lose this gift/ connection to Divinity.