Anonymous ID: 1edc12 Aug. 23, 2018, 10:20 a.m. No.2713022   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3054 >>3277


Which is why… they will never be ready for the truth. They will reject? They will be terrified? Tough fucking shit. We have to take charge, we the people, we patriots we can't wait for everyone else.


HRC still at large when in 2016 the NYPD was about to issue arrest warrants and had all the evidence on Weiner's laptop.


Release the fucking cancer cures, release the fucking evidence of pedophilia, satanic sacrifices, child trafficking cannibalism. They will have lost any moral grounds they thought they had forever. Then we can start healing the world.

Anonymous ID: 1edc12 Aug. 23, 2018, 10:45 a.m. No.2713306   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3321 >>3352 >>3381


I'm silent, family and friends already think I need therapy, am crazy, we are all 'conspiracy theorists' for them, aren't we? Which reminds me of the promise of 'conspiracy no more' but I don't care what people. Neither should the white hat team. They should just do what they know to be right and let the truth out so it can defend itself since it needs no defending. Judging from the last 10 months, I am not holding my breath.

Anonymous ID: 1edc12 Aug. 23, 2018, 10:50 a.m. No.2713363   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3403


We are not alone in this fight. You are too afraid. The swamp is never going to be drained and the cabal never going to be defeated if we are too afraid to let truth free and defend itself. You don't sound like you trust the people, you sound like someone who thinks they are too childish to be trusted with the truth and need to be saved. We are never going to win if we don't start trusting the good people of the world and teach them to be leaders in their communities and not sheep any more.


So long as we keep propping this failed and corrupt system and status quo, this will take decades, a century, or more. Million will die of cancer while cures will continue to be suppressed, millions of children will continue to be raped, trafficked, and eaten. Fuck that.

Anonymous ID: 1edc12 Aug. 23, 2018, 10:57 a.m. No.2713441   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3478 >>3506 >>3524 >>3533


The cost of delay has not been worth it. Everything we do is related to emotions one way or another. Millions are dying, the cabal isn't surrendering, innocents are suffering and being killed. This is war, the people will join us once they know the truth. As the truth is kept from them, we continue divided. This plan will take ages. Humanity and the planet don't have forever to wait.

Anonymous ID: 1edc12 Aug. 23, 2018, 11:09 a.m. No.2713605   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3619


Agreed. It's not working, there is no major public awakening, and even if people wake up they can't talk freely about it since they'll be looked at as crazy. Meanwhile, the status quo which hasn't worked for the benefit of humanity for centuries and will never work is being propped up. We who are awake have to go along with the farce supporting lies, lies, and more lies.


The apathetic, the ignorant, the self-centered all continue going about their business not caring in the slightest about the evil around them, you see, they have their own bills to pay, and kids to take to school. They don't care and they will never care. Apparently, they haven't had enough of being slaves. So fuck them. Concomitantly, millions die of cancer as cures are suppressed, children are raped, trafficked, and eaten by those monsters.


This factous B movie has gone on for decades. Either the cabal is taken out now and the swamp drained, or we go on with this drip drip and one clue at a time method for decades to come, as our children are aborted on Planned Parenthood and we shoot ourselves in the foot as a humanity - destroying our own future and our planet while we're at it.