Anonymous ID: 2bbc44 Aug. 23, 2018, 10:53 a.m. No.2713387   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3461




He was investigating The Clinton Foundation, The Awan congress scandal, the maersk shipping container company, organ harvesting, the Mayo clinic,Global Rat lines,etc. He did a huge series of videos on you tube, (daily videos,that went on for months)

Crowd source the Truth. Which was a semi shitty form of our current research board( it was people coming together to dig on Clinton, Wikileak emails, Awans). ( Had people investigating in groups on facebook, and other social media, on their crowdsource the truth pages. Many anons here, used to follow it He used to go to Washington and other places investigating live on youtube. They went to the Embassy in London and interviewed people close, or connected to Julian Assange.


( but then he added Jason Goodman to his team and Trish the dish) then all this crazy shit went on with fighting between you tube channels, and they were calling each other compromised( clowns),, and liars, happened between a lot of you tube people like Defango, Lift The veil, that crazy montague( not sure i spelled his name right, kek)

They were sabotaging each other

( Defango called Oxford, and got Goodman kicked out of a speech by Eric Braverman ( Clinton guy)


George occasionally had some good information, but the whole thing became sketchy.

Then Vegas happened, and people started digging on that, and because of all the crazy infighting between channel personalities, and people lost interest in crowd source the truth. ( started doing their own diggings)

Then Q showed up, and many people who were researching on previous subjects, like Clintons, PizzaGate, Las Vegas, made their way here.


100% sure Jason Goodman is Mossad, and not sure about George, but many others think he is as well.

Hard to say, they( the Cabal) played people on every side, including alternate media and people on youtube, etc.


Thats a quick summary for you, kek

you can go back to their videos on their you tube pages. was during the first 9 or 10 months of 2017

Anonymous ID: 2bbc44 Aug. 23, 2018, 11:06 a.m. No.2713554   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I never watched any of those other people, kek

Except lift the veil a few times, but that was more recent due to voodoo donuts interviews)

I watched some of Webb and crowd source the Truth videos.Many people knew about what was going on with the fighting.

Crowd source the truth was one of the few people, investigating clinton, wikileak emails etc.( We did not have all the knowledge that we have since learned with Q) so at the time, many people thought they were good guys, (digging where the swamp did not want any digging)