Anonymous ID: 437369 Aug. 23, 2018, 10:15 a.m. No.2712968   🗄️.is 🔗kun



We are winning! No doubt about that! Because DJT IS POTUS now and the plan can unfold.


The US and the World are turning!

POTUS has acheived several historic record numbers already, in first haft of first term…

Midterms will be pain and death for Democrats, that is why they ridicule themselves even more by desparate calls and actions!

You can see that in terms of global negotiations POTUS uses US's military strenght and economical power as a POTUS shoud and wins over and over again.


POTUS - Commander In Chief, elected by WE the POEPLE - has now acces to NSA and can act with his full power, granted by the Constitution.

Q Team and POTUS outsmart the deep state with everything they do. Bad guys are stupid and fall for bait. Fun to watch!


For everyone awake following Q there is not the slightest doubt about winning.

Everyone sees we are winning bigly - anons are able toloo behind [MSM] and think for them selves.

Shills are freaking out about that!


The waking up of the world is unstoppalbe.

Trust the plan and enjoy your role!


Be LOUD. Be HEARD. Make it RAIN.



Anonymous ID: 437369 Aug. 23, 2018, 10:59 a.m. No.2713466   🗄️.is 🔗kun






>Soon, the hammer will pivot 180° when POTUS declassifies the 20 pages on the FISA warrant. That's the first layer that gets peeled, but it's the one that opens up the entire rest of the movie.


Yes! Agreed! WELL WRITTEN!


However anon, don't think redpilling should be slowed down…

US will probably get it anyway, however, the world needs help with getting awake to acheive 'peace through strengh' me think.