Anonymous ID: 529679 Aug. 23, 2018, 10:09 a.m. No.2712905   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2924 >>2926 >>2947 >>2976 >>2995 >>3024 >>3172 >>3281

==Rumblings>>Dirty Cop Mueller to Indict Donald Trump Jr. — They’re Going After the Trump Family Now==


The Mueller Special Counsel is going to indict Donald Trump Jr. for holding a 20 minute meeting with a Fusion GPS operative on Russian adoptions.

For the rest of the country: Be Warned. They Will Destroy You and your family if you threaten their power

For the record… A top former Trump administration official told us this would happen last year.


This is frightening.

The left is going to celebrate the destruction of America.

Anonymous ID: 529679 Aug. 23, 2018, 10:10 a.m. No.2712917   🗄️.is 🔗kun





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Anonymous ID: 529679 Aug. 23, 2018, 10:11 a.m. No.2712929   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2995 >>3018

Stunning! The Hill Stoops to New Low to Attack Trump: “Eradicate the Trump Plague”

Anonymous ID: 529679 Aug. 23, 2018, 10:17 a.m. No.2712988   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3503

One Ton of Fentanyl, Meth Seized in Mexican Beach Town


The Mexican Army Seized Approximately 2,700 Pounds Of Illicit Drugs In Two Separate Security Operations Over The Past Weekend In The Tourist Municipality Of Ensenada, Baja California.


The first operation took place late Friday, August 17, when soldiers secured a Cessna plane with approximately 470 kilograms of methamphetamine, heroin, and fentanyl in a remote area known as the San Fernando Canyon, according to local reports.


Personnel of the II Military Region were dispatched to search for an aircraft spotted in the area when they came upon an abandoned white Cessna.


In the second operation, the Army seized 750 kilograms (1,653 pounds) of various drugs hidden off a dirt road on August 18. The cache consisted of methamphetamine, fentanyl in powder and pill forms, and marijuana, according to local media.. –

Anonymous ID: 529679 Aug. 23, 2018, 10:19 a.m. No.2713015   🗄️.is 🔗kun

President Trump Fires Long-Range Tariffs on 279 Chinese Products to Put America First

Anonymous ID: 529679 Aug. 23, 2018, 10:22 a.m. No.2713056   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3129 >>3503

WV-Sen: Red state Democrat Joe Manchin opposes party leadership’s plan to delay Kavanaugh hearings


Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) broke ranks with Democratic Party leadership’s calls to delay the confirmation process of Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh.


“We do our job, let’s do our job,” Manchin said, the Washington Examiner reported. “We have to have a court, let’s find the right person. You have to go through this process. Delaying’s not going to help anything.”


Manchin is one of five red-state Democrats whose votes Republicans are targeting to help get President Donald Trump’s SCOTUS pick confirmed before the midterms.


The senator is up for re-election in a state that Trump won by 42 points in 2016 and where support for the president remains strong.

What’s the story?


Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) urged fellow Democrats to push for a pause on Kavanaugh’s proceedings. His request came one day after the president’s former lawyer Michael Cohen pleaded guilty to tax fraud, bank fraud, and campaign finance violations.


“A president, identified as an unindicted co-conspirator of a federal crime — an accusation made not by a political enemy but by the closest of his own confidants — is on the verge of making a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court,” Schumer said Wednesday on the Senate floor. “A court that may someday soon determine the extent of the president’s legal jeopardy.


“It is unseemly for the president of the United States to be picking a Supreme Court justice who could soon be effectively a juror in a case involving the president himself,” he continued. “The doubts about Judge Kavanaugh’s fitness for the bench was just magnified by Mr. Cohen’s plea agreement. The prospect of the President being implicated in some criminal case is no longer a hypothetical that can be dismissed.”

Anonymous ID: 529679 Aug. 23, 2018, 10:25 a.m. No.2713088   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3126 >>3264

Professor’s contract with students: ‘Drop the class immediately if you are triggered by free speech’


A professor has taken a novel approach when it comes to dealing with the increasing number of students railing against and even shutting down academic ideas they don’t agree with: a contract.


James “Duke” Pesta, an associate professor of English at the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh, presents a two-page contract to his students on the first day of class that asks them to drop the course if they are “triggered” or offended by certain ideas or beliefs.

What does the contract say?


“In this course, we study literature from cultures that existed before you were born. Their world is not our world. Their beliefs may not be our beliefs. No one asks you to believe or endorse any premise, attitude, precept, theology, political system, or ideology contained in these books or expressed in class. Nor will you ever lose points or be docked grades because of your opinion (written, oral, or otherwise),” the contract’s Statement of Purpose reads, the College Fix said.


“We will not malign or trivialize these texts because they do not always parrot our values. We will not assume these books are racist, sexist, or homophobic because of the period in which they were written, or because of the race, class, gender, or religion of the authors,” the contract also says, the outlet reported. “People who approach alien cultures with such preconceived notions are bigots masquerading as critically sophisticated advocates, often in the name of ‘social justice.’ Persons who so diminish the past are neither social nor just, especially when they compel students to adopt their biases.”


The College Fix noted that the contract also offers the following instructions:


Please drop the class immediately if you are triggered by free speech, the free exchange of ideas, or people who express and defend ideas or opinions that differ from your own.

Please drop the class immediately if you are triggered by open, direct, and adult discussion of issues, including but not limited to issues of faith, war, violence, race, gender, and sexuality.

Please drop the class immediately if you are triggered by recurring encounters with heterosexuality, traditional gender identities, sympathetic representations of Christianity (or religion in general), positive examples of free markets or capitalism, or unapologetic encounters with patriotism, hierarchies, or meritocracy-based institutions or attitudes.

Please drop the class immediately if you feel entitled to censor the thoughts or words of others or insist they tailor their language or attitudes to your preferences.


Pesta — a conservative — told the outlet in an interview that he’s used his contract for three semesters and a less-specific version for about eight years.


“I have learned through personal experience that university administrators and equity officers are often not willing to defend classroom speech, even if that speech is taken directly from books or used to explain them,” he told the College Fix.

‘Intrusive investigatory process just by complaining’


“Students are now keenly aware that they can put professors through an intrusive investigatory process just by complaining, even without any corroborating evidence. I have even had department heads who allow students to substitute required classes for other courses just because students complain about what they have ‘heard’ a professor’s classes are like,” Pesta added to the outlet. “My contract is an attempt to make it harder for these kangaroo court investigations to be launched in the first place.”

What does Pesta have to say about trigger warnings?


Pesta told the College Fix he finds trigger warnings — which inform students in advance that subject matter might offend them — “appalling from an educational standpoint.”


“But I have come to realize that they may have more utility for professors than students,” he added to the outlet. “It’s one more way to try and indemnify yourself from malicious and unfounded complaints by driving away at the outset students who only want their own preconceived ideas validated.”

How have students reacted to the contract?


Pesta told the College Fix that students so far have been willing to sign his contract.


“I’ve not encountered a student yet who would not sign,” he added to the outlet. “I do tell them, when I pass it out the first day, that if they refuse to sign they will have to meet with me sometime during the first week of classes to discuss the contract and make sure we’re on the same page.”

Anonymous ID: 529679 Aug. 23, 2018, 10:27 a.m. No.2713113   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3371

Detective Publishes Book Exposing High-Level Gov’t Pedophile Ring, Shot in the Head Days Later


Nine days after a former police detective published a book exposing a high-level government pedophile ring that murdered children, he was shot in the head.


A former police detective, and author of a bombshell book that exposed a massive pedophile ring made up of high-level government officials was found shot in the head last week. While officials are calling it an apparent suicide, his family is claiming that he told them he would never kill himself and that people were after him because he was about to expose even more high-level government pedophilia.


Mark Minne, author of the controversial book ‘The Lost Boys of Bird Island’ devoted his post-police life to exposing the corruption and horrifying pedophilia he discovered while working as a detective. Minnie and his good friend Chris Steyn, also a former cop turned investigative journalist, worked together on the book to expose a government and business community who took children to Bird Island where they were abused, and some possibly murdered.


The book details the level of their involvement in the pedophile ring, abuse of the children, alleged acts of murder to cover up the crimes, as well as corruption and abuse of high-level state resources by the network’s members.

Anonymous ID: 529679 Aug. 23, 2018, 10:29 a.m. No.2713135   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3364 >>3394

Cop Convicted Multiple Times for Raping Children and Never Sent to Prison, Strikes Again


A California cop and serial child rapist, was allowed to victimize multiple children because the state repeatedly refused to send him to prison.

Anonymous ID: 529679 Aug. 23, 2018, 10:34 a.m. No.2713186   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3333 >>3420












~Sun Tzu

Anonymous ID: 529679 Aug. 23, 2018, 10:39 a.m. No.2713253   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3503

Translator at Trump Tower Meeting Personally Served Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, President Obama


NEW YORK — Anatoli Samochornov, a Russian translator who was present at the infamous June 2016 meeting at Trump Tower with campaign officials, testified that he was previously an interpreter for Hillary Clinton, John Kerry and Barack Obama.


Samochornov also said that he held a “public trust” clearance from the U.S. government. The clearance provides a level of screening for individuals who do government work described as sensitive, but whose positions do not require a security clearance.


Samochornov was previously identified as being the Russian translator who was present at the meeting at which Russian attorney Natalia Veselnitskaya reportedly argued against the Magnitsky Act, which sanctions Russian officials. The meeting was set up with Donald Trump Jr., presented as being about information regarding Hillary Clinton. Veselnitskaya says she does not speak English and has given interviews to U.S. news media outlets through translators.




Cont. from images:

In a New York Times oped in January, GPS co-founders Glenn Simpson and Peter Fritch wrote that they helped McCain share their anti-Trump dossier with the Obama-era intelligence community via an unnamed “emissary.”


In his Senate testimony, Akhmetshin describes attending the Halifax security conference in 2016, but claimed he played no role in the contact where Wood connected with McCain and Kramer to inform them of the dossier’s existence. Akhmetshin also claimed he was not aware of the dossier at the time.


Akhmetshin said he “might” have “said hi” to McCain but could not say for sure. In other words, Akhmetshin is claiming he is not certain whether he spoke to one of the most famous American politicians, something that would seemingly be quite memorable to most people.


The Russian lobbyist also said he “might have spoken with” Kramer but would not give a definitive answer.


Akhmetshin also stated that he had a previous relationship with McCain. “I knew Senator McCain when he was running years ago because I had friends who were — did advance work for him,” Akmetshin said, referring to McCain’s 2008 presidential campaign.


Trump Jr. previously explained that he took the meeting thinking it was about “opposition research” on Hillary Clinton and was disappointed that it wasn’t. Trump Jr. also said the meeting lasted about 20 minutes, “ended up being about essentially nothing that was relevant,” was set up in a manner that “was essentially a bait and switch” and “everyone has basically said that in testimony already.”


The meeting was set up by Goldstone, who had contacted Trump Jr. on behalf of his client Emin Agalarov, a Russian singer and businessman who is the son of Russian billionaire Aras Agalarov. Aras Agalarov organized the 2013 Miss Universe pageant in Moscow when the pageant was partially owned by Donald Trump.

Anonymous ID: 529679 Aug. 23, 2018, 10:43 a.m. No.2713291   🗄️.is 🔗kun

DNC Claimed Attempted Hack, Contacted FBI. That's Not What Happened.


The Democratic National Committee contacted the FBI on Wednesday claiming that someone tried to hack its voter database system this week, and, within hours, had to retract their claim.


The New York Times reported that officials described the alleged attempt to hack their system, Votebuilder, as an "aggressive" attack, claiming that the "hackers set up a fake page that mimicked the party’s login page for its voter-registration website, a tactic that could gather names, passwords and other credentials of those using the voter database."


Bob Lord, chief security officer for the Democratic National Committee, said, "This attempt is further proof that there are constant threats as we head into midterm elections, and we must remain vigilant in order to prevent future attacks."


Late on Wednesday, Democrats were forced to retract their claims after new information came to light and now say that the alleged "hacking attempt" was nothing more than a "test."


"We, along with the partners who reported the site, now believe it was built by a third party as part of a simulated phishing test on VoteBuilder," Lord said in a new statement. "The test, which mimicked several attributes of actual attacks on the Democratic party's voter file, was not authorized by the DNC, VoteBuilder nor any of our vendors."


The development comes after Florida Democratic Senator Bill Nelson claimed that "the Russians are in Florida’s records" — a claim that has caused significant problems for Nelson.


The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the FBI both shot down Nelson's false claim — which comes as he is trying to save his seat in the U.S. Senate — stating that "there is no current evidence to suggest any meddling in the upcoming midterm elections in November," according to Fox News' reporting of a letter they obtained from both government agencies.

Anonymous ID: 529679 Aug. 23, 2018, 10:44 a.m. No.2713303   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3503

Senator Elizabeth Warren Made A Lot Of Money Last Year



Senator Elizabeth Warren has routinely campaigned on redistributing wealth and counts herself as a champion of the "99%" of Americans who aren't millionaires. But according to financial records, obtained by MassLive, Warren is solidly within the 1%.


In 2017, Warren and her husband, a Harvard University professor, hauled in nearly $1 million in adjusted gross income. Warren was the money-maker though her husband claims to have earned around $430,379.


The numbers aren't much of a surprise. Warren is believed to have a net worth somewhere in the ballpark of $7 million to $10 million and most of that money is "held in mutual funds and retirement accounts with TIAA-CREF" — a bank that serves Ivy League professors, and which often invests in the kinds of corporations Warren's policies would impact.


Perhaps most ironic, much of Warren's 2017 income comes from her book, "This Fight Is Our Fight: The Battle to Save America's Middle Class" despite the fact that she is nowhere near middle class.


In recent weeks, Warren has changed her tune, somewhat, on economic issues. Unable to compete with more strident progressives like Bernie Sanders (who is poor compared to Warren, with only a six-figure net worth, though he does have three homes), and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Warren has moderated, calling herself a "dedicated capitalist" and reassuring Americans that her plans for the American economy are decidedly moderate.

Anonymous ID: 529679 Aug. 23, 2018, 10:47 a.m. No.2713331   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAKING NEWS: National Enquirer's CEO was given immunity by Michael Cohen prosecutors - and ratted out scheme to pay Playboy model who claimed affair with Trump


Cohen pleaded guilty to two campaign finance violations

They related to payments to porn star Stormy Daniels and former Playboy model Karen McDougal

In the case of McDougal, she got $150,000 payment from American Media Inc., publisher of the National Enquirer, in exchange for work

He pleaded to 'causing an unlawful corporate contribution'

Pecker is longtime friends with President Trump


Prosecutors who secured guilty pleas by longtime Donald Trump lawyer Michael Cohen granted immunity to publisher David Pecker – a close friend of Trump's who was in a deal to pay a Playboy model who claims she slept with Trump.


Cohen pleaded guilty to two campaign finance violations – one of which was 'causing an unlawful corporate contribution' to a campaign.


Charging documents lay out in great detail details of an agreement where former Playboy model Karen McDougal got a $150,000 payment from American Media Inc., which is the parent company of the National Enquirer, and which Pecker heads.


It identifies 'Corporation-1' which was to 'advance a payment of $150,000 to Woman-1' with the promise of reimbursement, 'so as to ensure that Woman-1 did not publicize damaging allegations before the 2016 presidential election and thereby influence that election.'


The Wall Street Journal reported the grant of immunity to Pecker.


Trump and Cohen can be heard discussing the deal in a September 2016 audio tape released by Cohen and seized by authorities during an FBI raid in April.


Anonymous ID: 529679 Aug. 23, 2018, 10:51 a.m. No.2713373   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3378 >>3399 >>3503

Outcry after study shows Google’s Android collects ten times more data than Apple’s iOS


A damning report into Google data collection found that the Android operating system sends ten times more personal information, including location data, to the tech giant than Apple’s iOS. The study caused an outcry on Twitter.


Yet, the research by Professor Douglas C. ,Schmidt from Vanderbilt University claims the figure is only the tip of the iceberg, as it represents activity when a device is stationary, meaning the user is not interacting with it. Once users start using their phone, the data sent to the server increases “considerably”.


Disgruntled Android users have flocked to Twitter to accuse the tech giant of “tapping into everything it can.”

Anonymous ID: 529679 Aug. 23, 2018, 10:54 a.m. No.2713417   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Texas Exports More Oil Than It Imports For First Time Ever


The Texas Gulf Coast oil terminals sent abroad more crude than they received in April, the Energy Information Administration said this week. During that month, crude oil exports from the Houston-Galveston port district exceeded imports by 15,000 bpd. Over the next month, the advantage of exports over imports welled further, to an impressive 470,000 bpd.


Total U.S. oil exports in may hit a record of 2 million bpd, with Houston-Galveston’s share of the total at a record-breaking 70 percent, from an average of about 50 percent since the middle of 2017, the EIA said.


The bulk of crude oil exports from the Houston-Galveston area went to China, Canada, Italy, and the UK, with exports to China averaging 300,000 bpd in both June and July. This month, however, not a single crude oil cargo has been loaded for China, according to media reports, amid growing trade tensions between Washington and Beijing.


Meanwhile, however, Texas is on track to become the biggest oil producer after Russia and Saudi Arabia, according to production estimates by HSBC, quoted by CNN. If the estimates turn out to be correct, the Lone Star State will be pumping almost 6 million bpd in 2019.


RBC goes further, expecting production in Texas to boom to more than 6.5 million barrels daily over the next seven to ten years. Not everyone is so optimistic, however. Skeptics believe the shale oil boom in Texas led by the Permian Basin, will peak at much lower levels than 6 million bpd, not least because of the substantial debt loads of many shale drillers in the area.


Until this happens, oil production in the state is growing: over the 12 months to June it added 27 percent to 4.3 million bpd, according to the latest report from the Texas Alliance of Energy producers. This represented 40 percent of the U.S. total for that month.


By Irina Slav for

Anonymous ID: 529679 Aug. 23, 2018, 10:56 a.m. No.2713432   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3465

Netanyahu urges US to recognise Israel’s right to Golan


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu today said that he would not back down on his demand that the US recognise Israel’s right to the occupied Golan Heights.


“I will not give up our expectation that the United States recognise Israeli sovereignty over Golan,” he said in a statement.


Netanyahu’s remarks come one day after US National Security Adviser John Bolton told Reuters that the US administration was “not considering the possibility” of recognising Israel’s right to the Syrian area.


Israel occupied the Syrian Golan Heights during the 1967 Arab-Israeli War, when it also occupied the West Bank, East Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip.


The UN continues to describe the Israel-held Golan Heights as “occupied” territory.

Anonymous ID: 529679 Aug. 23, 2018, 10:58 a.m. No.2713446   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Brother of UChicago assistant professor arrested on charges of spying for Iran


Attorney claims charges are politically motivated


The brother of an assistant professor of Islamic Studies at University of Chicago is facing criminal charges from the FBI for allegedly being an Iranian agent.


The Chicago Maroon reports the man, Ahmadreza Mohammadi Doostdar, was arrested August 9 and is believed to have used the UChicago hotel to conduct his activities, which included surveillance of a Jewish center on campus. Another man named Majid Ghorbani was also arrested for allegedly operating on behalf of the Iranian government.


According to a DOJ press release, the pair are suspected of “conducting covert surveillance of Israeli and Jewish facilities in the United States, and collecting identifying information about American citizens and U.S. nationals who are members of the group Mujahedin-e Khalq,” an exiled political-militant organization that advocates for violent regime change in Iran.


Among the accusations against two, according to the release, is that:


On or about July 21, 2017, Doostdar is alleged to have conducted surveillance of the Rohr Chabad House, a Jewish institution located in Chicago, including photographing the security features surrounding the facility. On or about Sept. 20, 2017, Ghorbani is alleged to have attended a MEK rally in New York City, during which he photographed individuals participating in the protest against the current Iranian regime.


The Maroon also reports that Doostdar’s attorney believes the charges are politically motivated because they follow the U.S. government’s reinstatement of sanctions on Iran.

Anonymous ID: 529679 Aug. 23, 2018, 11 a.m. No.2713486   🗄️.is 🔗kun

World famous holistic doctor suddenly shuts clinic after death threats to her entire family and trouble with FDA


(Note from Erin: We received a lovely thank you note from Dr. Farrah for sharing her story. We are thinking of her and hope she and her family are well and will continue to be safe.)


We are thinking of Dr. Farrah and her family in the Philippines right now. This amazing doctor, who had a world-famous clinic where patients could be seen for free, had to suddenly close its doors.


On her Facebook page of well over 3 MILLION followers, she explained the following:


“Today, the lives my children, my patients and I were threatened if I remain open. I need to temporarily close for the safety of my kids and patients. This breaks my heart to do this.


This time will also give me the opportunity to deal with the many issues coming from government offices and agencies initiated from the complaints filed by certain medical societies. These resulted in the filing of several cases against me, raids of my property and clinic as well as a prohibition now for me to manufacture health products. I’m also unable to currently administer and distribute them to my patients. My license to practice medicine could be revoked if I continue my service to patients right now. I cannot provide Boston C or any other of my inventions to any patients until these government issues are resolved. To do so could end my career as a doctor.


I’m cooperating with the government offices and agencies and resorting to all remedies available to me under the law to remedy this.


I deeply apologize for the inconvenience and suffering that this could cause many of you and your loved ones. This is not what I want to happen to my patients. It saddens me beyond measure.


It’s my sincere hope that we can reopen at the soonest possible time so that I can continue to serve and care for you all.”


In an article written about her clinic, which you can view here, the author describes herself as “awestruck”:


“I was awestruck to see hundreds of people from all over the Philippines, and other countries who came that day. How had I not heard about this beautiful farm-based facility where celebrities, captains of industry, government officials, and even royalty go?”


On her page, Dr. Bunch discusses the FDA raiding her clinic (they have nearly an identical FDA to our own country) and taking over 300,000$ worth of her devices and inventions.

Not only does she have well over 3 million followers on Facebook but she was set to receive a scientific breakthrough award, all while the FDA (as she calls them) was causing her trouble.


We hope for her sake and the sake of her patients, that she can reopen soon!

Anonymous ID: 529679 Aug. 23, 2018, 11:03 a.m. No.2713518   🗄️.is 🔗kun

You’re Surrounded Mr. Mueller, Give Yourself Up; Truth is Becoming Too Big To Hide


Anyone who’s ever worked on a jigsaw puzzle knows that the process is tedious in the beginning. First, we place all the similar colored pieces in small groups, try various configurations and then we see how two groups might fit together and so on. At a certain point, the progress becomes faster until finally, a picture starts to emerge. Thanks to the painstaking efforts of lawmakers such as Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) and Sen. Charles Grassley (R-IA), the release of the DOJ Inspector General’s report in June and the tireless pursuit of documents by Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch, a picture of unimaginable deception of breathtaking proportions is emerging before the eyes of an astonished electorate.


The once slow headway in the search for the truth has gained momentum. Democratic lawmakers, officials and most of the mainstream media are still in denial and don’t seem to realize yet that too much of the truth has already been revealed for them to go back to their original narrative. The truth has become too big to hide. A comparison of the carnage at the very highest levels of the FBI and the DOJ to the complete lack of evidence of wrongdoing by President Trump following over two years of investigations should tell Robert Mueller that it’s time to extricate himself, as gracefully as possible, from this fraud. He needs to admit defeat in his attempt to undo the results of a fair election.


Seamus Bruner of The Epoch Times has just put together a list of 25 DOJ and FBI officials who have resigned in the last year. Some of them:…g-big-hide


“He’s A Traitor”, Newt Gingrich DROPS A Bombshell On Mueller Investigation


Back in May of 2018, Gingrich was right about what he said on Fox news about Mueller, who now truth says didn’t do the job he was supposed to. Failure to investigate Hillary Clinton and the attack on Trump, finally showing the American people the truth. Corruption is protection corruption and not the people or nation of the United States…time to go!!!