Anonymous ID: 619cad Aug. 23, 2018, 10:56 a.m. No.2713437   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3460 >>3469 >>3520 >>3523



How many times has POTUS taken to twitter to lambast Sessions since the election? Its been at least a half a dozen times that we've seen this movie. its a re run. in the past its been used as a distraction tactic to keep the MSM talking heads occupied but now i believe it could be something different. His recusal was planned so that RR could dig his own grave, or help set up meuller who the fuck knows at this point. Sessions is the only high level member of the administration that has been raked over the coals on twitter by POTUS over and over again and continues to retain his position. How many times have we seen POTUS call out his admin then see them get fired. Rex Tillerson, The mooch, and countless others. But not Sessions. I would say that this latest round of Sessions attacks are the same old show but its not just POTUS, even Rudy and others are calling him out. POTUS can fire his ass anytime he wants but he doesn't because its all an act. The increased rhetoric this time tells me that the stage is finally being set. It's time for Sessions' redemption. Now that POTUS and others are attacking him so much it will be the perfect time for him to come out of left field and reveal the full details and hopefully some findings of the Huber investigation. Cohen has fallen on the swrord for POTUS and Manafort didnt get everything he deserved for his crimes…but he will. The Mueller investigation has revealed nothing, no collusion, no serious crimes commited but right before the election is going to start going after POTUS' family? Not a chance, time for a serious narrative shift and the best way to make an impact is to make everyone think Sessions is a failure so he can come out of left field and drop the hammer. I suspect the rhetoric will continue to heat up today and tonight until Sessions is forced to address it publicly, with a press conference, hopefully tomorrow where Sessions will blow the lid off of everything to do with the FBI clinton investigation, collusion hoax, and much much moar. Remember we are watching a movie and the best part is just getting started. Get your popcorn and strap the fuck in!