Anonymous ID: 7bb0ee Aug. 23, 2018, 10:55 a.m. No.2713422   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3527





There is a video out there somewhere that I saw of Sessions being questioned in a Congressional hearing setting. I'm remembering it as his being asked if he's lying or telling the truth, and his face is wreathed with smiles, he is visibly cracking up, he is not taking it seriously at all, not in a Strzok way, more like he knew he was holding some special cards. It suggests to me that a number of the participants were staging the whole thing, and he was only barely acting his part in that particular setting.


I tried to find the clip, but it was a Herculean task, I wasn't familiar enough with the cast members then to have an idea of where to look, so if anyone is familiar, please point the way.


I also saw I think it was Horowitz break character in another hearing when he knew a particular questioner was part of the script and in on the plot. The whole tenor and content of his replies changed from the misdirection he had been feeding the previous questioner. He was clearly protecting the ongoing investigations.