Anonymous ID: 8169c2 Aug. 23, 2018, 10:36 a.m. No.2713213   🗄️.is 🔗kun


For "lying to investigators" apparently. Or at least that's the scuttle butt making the rounds today. Either:

A) fake news meant to demoralize

B) Got some truth in it.


And if it's B, then you can start bringing Fusion GPS on the table, and the russian woman who was let in by pbama's state department. Could be a very big master chess move, BUT, I personally wouldn't put my son through that hell. Even if he volunteered and begged me.

But then again I've never ran a fortune 500 company or held the highest office in the land(hope I didn't just doxx myself).

Just a couple of the things that separate me and Trump. Our politics are the same, but gotta admit, we took very different paths in life…