Anonymous ID: 167c92 Aug. 23, 2018, 1:05 p.m. No.2714811   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4826 >>4927 >>4962 >>4979 >>4984 >>5059

stumbled upon this article from 2001:


“Twisted” Bodies Found (newspaper article on the Mont Order)


11/10/2001: FORENSIC experts are struggling to identify the remains of what are believed to be five men and two women in various states of decay at a scrap metal yard in Leeds.

Details of the investigation into what authorities call a “suicide pact” have not been made available to journalists. Eyewitness accounts described bodies as “fused” with metal in the scrapheap, and said they were “contorted and mutilated” or “twisted” beyond recognition.


Alleged witnesses at the scene before police cordoned it off claimed the number of bodies may be much greater than seven, with some saying as many as thirty may have been discovered. The description of the bodies does not fit with any known method of suicide, baffling investigators who were asked for comment.


Experts were overheard saying their study of the remains has indicated all individuals were naked at the time of death. Intense heat had penetrated their bones, causing these to explode or change shape like molten plastic. No traces of ash were found in the lungs of the victims, suggesting they died instantaneously.

The scrapheap showed no signs of a fire taking place at the time of the deaths, deepening the mystery at how heat could have been the killing factor. Even harder to explain, some bodies were seen melded with metal objects in the scrapyard, and two bodies had been seen allegedly conjoined at the heads.


One corpse was found with the entrails and organs outside the skin. Another body was in almost perfect condition, but the hands had melted away leaving elongated formations of bone and the head had no face, instead found with only a layer of melted flesh covering the skull.

Police say witnesses came forward in the days before the discovery with accusations about a cult carrying out bizarre and “terrifying” rituals on their own flesh, referring to this cult as the Mont Order. No registered organization used this name in the area, leaving investigators puzzled, and no evidence of the Mont Order’s alleged residence at a nearby derelict church can be found now.

Disturbingly, the reports of the bodies describe them as so “twisted” that they are no longer human, referring to them as “skinned” as well as calling them “animal things” and “monsters”. Some of them had elongated faces, more like horses or dogs than humans, and another had spinal protrusion like a tail.


Authorities have been quick to denounce speculation over the bizarre “suicide pact” and the horrific stories of the Mont Order until formal statements can be issued on both. Residents have been deeply unsettled by the reports, leaving police and counsellors to do all they can to calm the situation.

Anonymous ID: 167c92 Aug. 23, 2018, 1:14 p.m. No.2714894   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4917


i cant help but think 9/11


its the ONLY thing I can think of


maybe thats why it had to be in the UK because if it were USA or China, they would know


but who knows. Just thought it was interesting