Anonymous ID: 2bf903 Aug. 23, 2018, 1:04 p.m. No.2714809   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4941 >>5012 >>5040

MKUltra program or the Monach Mind control program offshoot?


(posted most of this last night, re-posting today for more eyes)


Many are familiar with the LSD trial by the C_A in California which appears that LSD was not as useful as they desired. For any that aren’t familiar, a quick history channel reference to the program.


I stumbled upon Ketamine being used as a infusion for many purposes and types of medical practice- from psychiatry to pain management and often in clinics that house multiple areas of medicine. It may be a very useful tool in these areas. But because of it’s properties, I also wonder if it hasn’t been very useful to the cabal.


Mind control is based in dissociation. There are more than one means to achieve the dissociation. Some use sexual abuse, other trauma, and drug induced has been described as well and likely in combination.


The further I looked, the more certain I am that Ketamine could be a significant tool to this end. It is after all a dissociative anesthetic agent. If you have researched much at all about the statements of ritual abuse victims, they frequently speak of floating or out of body type experience as the brain is being dissociated. It is a common symptom of Ketamine use, or possibly even a desired effect in the wrong hands.

Dissociation between thalamus and limbic Wikipedia Ketamine


Because it is key to my hypothesis, I will state again- Ketamine is a dissociative anesthetic agent giving rise to a feeling of an out of body experience.


It is commonly used in sedation of children. As noted above, it is being utilized as an infusion in multiple clinic types- from pain management to psychiatry and in some clinics with multiple practitioner types. Appears to be popular in practitioners that wish to incorporate medicine with mental/spiritual care. Yet the spiritual care time and time again is noted to be limited to Yoga type meditation. In a majority Christian nation, in the multiple MindBody clinics, I did not see Christianity mentioned. MindBody appears to be a trademarked therapy approach and is associated with Harvard. Medical treatment has not been traditionally associated with trademarks. There appears to be a high incidence of occult symbolism associated with clinics/physicians that subscribe to the MindBody care.


Memory loss would be a useful side effect. As well as it being known to cause hallucination- provides the perfect plausible deniability that what they remember is just a hallucination. The long duration of an infusion would allow ample access to the patient. Ketamine can be used to reflect on trauma and thoughts can be guided. Freight has been reported as a less frequently occurring symptom, but patients in a state of high anxiety prior to instituting the infusion are more susceptible. I can’t help but see the link to people who are being trafficked or abused as being already in a high anxiety state. And how easy it would be to manipulate these aspects into a useful program where you abuse their past trauma causing them to reflect on it, while guiding their current dissociated from conscious thoughts.


The census here appears to be that specific individuals are more susceptible to the mind control. The multiple practice facility of many of these clinics open up a greater field of candidates.


I believe this needs additional eyes. I do not suggest that all practitioners using Ketamine are bad actors. But the use of ketamine infusions to be abused by MKUltra/Monarch operative physicians appears to be highly possible. The symbolism that is frequently present with the MindBody groups in particular and it’s ties to Harvard are very concerning.



Anonymous ID: 2bf903 Aug. 23, 2018, 1:05 p.m. No.2714810   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4941


Downloadable video with 3 levels of sedation of a patient using Ketamine. Demonstrating that it is titratable to reach the desired state.

Symbolism in photos of MindBody office- left center of page


MOAR Symbolism

Psychiatric uses

Used to reflect on trauma, thoughts can be guided. More importantly: “Although most patients find the experience relaxing and pleasant, some can have brief moments of fright. Patients who begin the infusion in a state of high anxiety seem most susceptible to this.”

Subcutaneous infusions are possible- this could be useful in sedating children away from medical facilities.