Anonymous ID: 420235 Aug. 23, 2018, 12:39 p.m. No.2714511   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4538 >>5040

Report: Podesta Group Is Company ‘B’ in Manafort Indictment


The indictment referred to two companies that Manafort and Gates hired on behalf of a pro-Russian Ukrainian organization — “Company A” and “Company B.” NBC News confirmed that “Company A” is Mercury Public Affairs, and “Company B” is the Podesta Group.


The Podesta Group had not disclosed its work pursuant to the Foreign Agents Registrant Act (FARA), claiming that they did not believe the group they represented was affiliated with the Ukrainian government.


According to the indictment, Mercury Public Affairs and the Podesta Group were paid $2 million from offshore accounts controlled by Manafort, and their work included lobbying “multiple members of Congress and their staffs about Ukraine sanctions, the validity of Ukraine elections,” and the reasons for imprisoning Yulia Tymoshenko, the political rival of Russian-backed Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych.


Anyone wonder why we haven't heard more on the Podesta Group? They closed doors because of Mueller Investigation, but where is it??