Anonymous ID: adbddf Aug. 23, 2018, 12:31 p.m. No.2714426   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4435 >>5040

(1 of 3) Interesting Finds in “Hacks”


According to her book, “Hacks”-Donna Brazile attended BHO’s 55th birthday party on August 5th, 2016 at the White House.


DB was approached by both Susan Rice & Eric Holder. Both asked what DB knew about the DNC hack and encouraged her to take it seriously.


On August 11th, DB & others went to the FBI HQ to be briefed on DNC hack by Assistant Director James Trainor, head of cybersecurity- the DNC was first notified of possible hacking by FBI Special Agent Adrian Hawkins in September of 2015.

Anonymous ID: adbddf Aug. 23, 2018, 12:32 p.m. No.2714435   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4438 >>5040


(2 of 3) Interesting Finds in “Hacks”


Re: DNC’s August 2018 Hack- Actually a False Alarm


In Donna Brazile’s book, “Hacks”— Nicole Wong (a member of the DNC’s cybersecurity task force) helped DB assemble a group of around 5 volunteers to help the DNC in the final weeks of the 2016 campaign. Some of the volunteers were Heather Adkins, Ryan McGeehan & Rob Witoff. They arrived at DNC on October 5th and stayed until October 26th.


Collectively called “Hacker House”—these techies helped the staff of the DNC recognize security breaches in their servers by simulating false attacks.


False alarm: Democrats say feared hack attempt actually just …


DNC: Hack attack was actually 'unauthorized test' -

Anonymous ID: adbddf Aug. 23, 2018, 12:33 p.m. No.2714438   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4475 >>4636 >>5040


(3 of 3) Interesting Finds in “Hacks”


With the assistance of her friend Elaine Kamarck, Donna Brazile was introduced to a man “plugged into the National Security Community”. DB referred to this man as her “Spook”.


Could the “Spook” be none other than Christopher Steele? Or perhaps Glenn Simpson?


DB met with her Spook at a hotel bar in Washington DC sometime between August 23rd, 2016 and September 7th, 2016.


Do we know the dates Steele was stateside during the late summer of 2016?