Anonymous ID: eaf39b Aug. 23, 2018, 12:48 p.m. No.2714626   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Wow that was it? That’s all the DS could muster after two years? Blowing their load on one day with Manafort and Cohen ? Most people will forget about this in a week. Attentions spans are short. Nothing impeachable found. So they punched trump. What do you think trump is going to do? Sit back and take it. The low point has come and passed. Now is precisely the time to strike after they have expanded all of their ammunition. All trump has to do now is sit back and declassify docs. He couldn’t do this while mueller trials were going on because it could have been seen as obstruction of justice. That was the trap laid and trump didn’t fall for it. Now they have nothing. Now trump can go on the offensive. They really are stupid folks!