Smokin' cigarettes and watchin' Captain Kangaroo
Now don't tell me
I've nothin' to do
Dammit shillbot. That was awesome.
Smokin' cigarettes and watchin' Captain Kangaroo
Now don't tell me
I've nothin' to do
Dammit shillbot. That was awesome.
DeGray lake in Arkansas.
Man made.
Iron Mountain.
Images related.
What are we looking for again?
HFS anon. Phoenix? Nimrod Lake? Bathhouse Row?
Where I come from we just knew they married their cousins.
OMG. Married their cousins. BLOODLINES.
You know, if they built waterproof compounds in those valleys prior to closing the damns, there would be underwater compounds.
Cousins marrying and Arkansas. I know I joked earlier (not an issue now - see image)
But…is that why Bill and Hillary couldn't have kids and Web had to step in? Are Bill and Hillary cousins?
WJC was Blythe III before he changed his name, and she's a Sinclair.
Apologies anon - Trudeau and HRC are cousins, but not through Sinclair.
Trudeau's mum is Sinclair.