incest causes a lot of it.
Q also calls them 'stupid' which of course, again, is a result of incest and inbreeding to protect their 'lines.'
incest causes a lot of it.
Q also calls them 'stupid' which of course, again, is a result of incest and inbreeding to protect their 'lines.'
very true anon. i was referring to the physical 'sick' questioned by another anon. the part of the spiritual 'SICK' you reference is a source problem our prayers deal with imo. we pray FOR them. and let Q team and God sort em out.
oh the stories we could tell on this one. was living in austin texas.
folks are forgetting that with the awan case many charges were not mentioned in the first case filing. does not mean that awan 'got off.'
they cut a deal.
as for huber, many of the cases are RICO and organized crime and can be tried in any area where the RICO crimes occurred.
with drug cartels, it is any area they did business, held assets, stored or moved drugs, etc.
with hrc and gang – those crimes cover the entire US of A.
podunk, nowhere can hear a case of folks in the area were party to it ie donated money or campaigned or volunteered or participated or were roped in, in some way.