many caverns and mines around this area. multiple uses suggested. caves/grottos/caverns used for rituals, secrecy? if mining going on it provides cover for other excavations "
Mount Ida in the ancientTroad region of western Anatolia (in modern-day Turkey) which was also known as the Phrygian Ida in classical antiquity and is the mountain that is mentioned in the Iliad of Homer and theAeneid of Virgil. Both are associated with the mother goddess in the deepest layers of pre-Greek myth, in that Mount Ida in Anatolia was sacred to Cybele" in my experience cybele is the real inner symbol behind all masonry/templar/mithras/astarte cults. it is the PROTOTYPE of all. think hermaphrodite/baphomet. worth digging if you havent heard of it. anatolia/phrygia also source of the double head eagle.