Anonymous ID: b04d9d Aug. 23, 2018, 5:35 p.m. No.2717256   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Weren't that "young liberal vegan couple from the DC swamp" a couple of SPOOKS. Using peacenik personas to spook it up in other sovereign areas…..? My first thought…. unsauce=able


last bread~

A young, liberal, vegan couple from the DC Swamp took a bike trip through the Central Asian nation of Tajikistan to prove the world is a wonderful place. Jay Austin and Lauren Geoghegan both quit their jobs last year to make this bike trip of a lifetime. In their blog, they said they wanted to “share the openheartedness and acts of kindness” in the world. How sweet.


Jay said, “You read the papers and you’re led to believe the world is a big, scary place. People, the narrative goes, are not to be trusted. People are bad. People are evil. I don’t buy it. Evil is a make-believe concept…humans are generous and wonderful and kind.” What sweet naive liberals.


Their dream trip came to an end on July 29th when Islamic terrorists rammed their bikes, knocked the two naïve liberals to the ground, then five men got out and stabbed them to death. ISIS has since taken credit.


This is a tragedy. I’m very sorry for their deaths. But…


This at its core is what liberalism leads to. Those two naïve (now dead) liberals-in-love are the same people who want to defund our military. These are the people who want to open our borders. These are the people who want us to destroy our nuclear arsenal and “trust the universe.” These are the people who want to take our guns away. These are the people who want to import millions of Islamic refugees into our country- without extreme vetting, without knowing if they have violent intent, or if they want Sharia Law, or if they hold hateful views towards Christians, Jews and America. These stories are proof positive that…


Liberals are a danger to all of us. Liberals and their moronic ideas will make us poor and miserable and get us killed.