Anonymous ID: 242ceb Aug. 23, 2018, 5:56 p.m. No.2717517   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7541 >>7583 >>7617 >>7631 >>7754 >>7824

Russia records unidentified helicopters delivering weapons to Taliban, IS in Afghanistan


MOSCOW, August 23. /TASS/. Russia has recorded flights of unidentified helicopters delivering weapons to the Taliban (a movement outlawed in Russia) and the Islamic State (a terror group outlawed in Russia) units active in Afghanistan, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said at a briefing on Thursday.


"We would like to once again point to the flights of unidentified helicopters in northern Afghanistan, which deliver weapons and ammunition to local ISIL [the former name of the Islamic State group - TASS] units and Taliban members cooperating with the group. In particular, the Afghan media and local residents say that such helicopters were seen in the Sar-e Pol Province," the Russian diplomat said.


"This is happening in close proximity to the borders of Central Asian states, while many of the IS militants active in Afghanistan come from those countries," Zakharova pointed out.


The Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman also said that the Afghan security agencies, as well as the Command of US and NATO troops in Afghanistan, did not react to those helicopter flights. "In this regard, question arise - who is behind these flights, who provides weapons to terrorists and secretly creates springboards for them near the southern borders of the CIS and why is it happening at all, given NATO’s actual control of Afghanistan’s airspace," Zakharova said.

Militants hiding in refugee camp


Zakharova said militants from Islamic State and Jabhat al-Nusra (terrorist groups outlawed in Russia) are hiding in Rukban refugee camp on the border with Jordan, using refugees as a human shield, with the knowledge of US military.


"The Syrian authorities and UN staff still have no access to Rukban, the biggest camp for internally displaced persons close to the Jordanian border," she said.


"Several hundred IS militants as well as al-Nusra militants, possessing heavy weaponry, are hiding among civilians who have found themselves hostages, and are using them as a human shield," she went on to say.


"Unfortunately, all this happens, and we have information confirming this, with the knowledge of the US military who control the 55-kilometer zone around their illegal base in Al-Tanf on the Syrian territory," she added.


The diplomat said Syria’s northeast remains in practice under the control of US military, who "continue pandering to local military units, in particular, buying their loyalty with weapons supplies".


"Thus, the process of setting up pseudo-state structures that are not envisaged by the Syrian legislation is in full swing in the Trans-Euphrates region," she stated.


According to Zakharova, Washington has practically started plundering Syria’s’ national wealth. "The US, that last week said it would stop financing some programs on stabilization of Syria, within the framework of which the activity of anti-government structures was financed in practice, has shifted responsibility to its allies," she said.


"Now they engage in restoring and updating the oil producing infrastructure in the northeast of Syria and in practice have started plundering the Syrian national wealth, this time not with their own means, but with the money received from other participants in the so-called US-led coalition, namely Europeans and Arabs.



Anonymous ID: 242ceb Aug. 23, 2018, 6:03 p.m. No.2717608   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7638

Buildings, 7 cars & pizzeria torched in Sweden overnight as arson attacks continue


Several buildings, including a pizzeria and a garage, as well as seven cars, were set on fire overnight in southern Sweden as police remain clueless on how to curb the ongoing wave of arson attacks.


The fire services received calls saying that a house was burning in a residential area of Kristianstad municipality shortly before midnight on Wednesday. The police said that a fire at the local pizzeria had started upstairs and quickly spread through the building.


The firefighters fought the flames for several hours, but couldn’t save the building, which was “totally destroyed.”

Anonymous ID: 242ceb Aug. 23, 2018, 6:08 p.m. No.2717701   🗄️.is 🔗kun


IMO Nah cabal but they have hidden (((their))) usual proxy markings. The earlier article I read about it didn't mention the Taliban just ISIS, considering they are opposing sides it may have been added to maintain fog of war while sending a messgae to the cabal that WE know what your doing fuckers

Anonymous ID: 242ceb Aug. 23, 2018, 6:12 p.m. No.2717744   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8021 >>8181


Bronfman lawyer, saying her client is innocent, will make second request on freeing Legatus from home detention – in 60 days


Clare Bronfman’s lawyer, Susan Necheles, said after court yesterday that she disagrees with the judge’s decision to keep her client confined to home detention. She thinks the judge punished Clare more harshly because of her wealth.


Necheles also thinks the judge – Nicholas G. Garaufis – will come around in time.


Necheles told Vanity Fair, “Judge Garaufis said that given the amount of wealth, he wants a little time before he relaxes Ms. Bronfman’s bail restrictions and we should come back to him in two months. We believe that this decision was wrong. It was based solely on Ms. Bronfman’s wealth and failed to consider her actions, such as flying back from Mexico and moving to N.Y.C. so that she can be close to her lawyer and work on her defense. These actions are proof that Ms. Bronfman intends to show up at trial and fight the charges.”



Anonymous ID: 242ceb Aug. 23, 2018, 6:16 p.m. No.2717804   🗄️.is 🔗kun

US State Dept Expects New Anti-Russia Sanctions to Come Into Effect on August 27


US State Department announced the date it expects the new Washington's sanctions against Russia to come into force.


US State Department spokesperson told Sputnik that the new package of sanctions against Russia related to alleged Moscow's involvement in former Russian intelligence officer Sergei Skripal's poisoning in early March is expected to come into effect on August 27.


"The notification… elapsed on August 22. We have submitted the Federal Register Notice enacting the sanctions and expect that it will be published on August 27th," the spokesperson said.



Anonymous ID: 242ceb Aug. 23, 2018, 6:22 p.m. No.2717884   🗄️.is 🔗kun



We shouldn't discount Julie Bishop: Won't be 'another man's deputy'


Julie Bishop is a tough cookie.


But is she tough enough to emerge from the Liberal Party all in brawl as the conservatives’ first female Prime Minister?


The answer is "yes" according to the Adelaide born political veteran and WA MP, who confirmed today to colleagues that she is prepared to put her hat in the ring.


That could trigger a three way contest between Peter Dutton, Scott Morrison and Ms Bishop.


But Ms Bishop has told her colleagues that she won't be "another man's deputy", reports The Australian.


NOTE: Australia will have a new leader, possibly within hours. There is a white hat in the mix but also cabal puppets