Anonymous ID: 75d597 Aug. 23, 2018, 5:58 p.m. No.2717535   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7572 >>7607 >>7863

>>2717443 (lb)

>>2717456 (lb)


Why do you claim cabal are "the jews"?


You realize the vast majority of jews are clueless normies?


do you think the occult cabal serves the jews? Do you think the occult - ruling bloodlines cabal cares about anyone other than the bloodline? Do you think the didn't allow mass killing of jews to push their global plans?


What is social engineering? Why is it used? Is it possible that they use the jews as a target for projection purposes, to stay under the radar?


Why did q bring the whole occult, ruling bloodlines theme? Why did he connect the corrupt royals and the house of saud? are the also "jews"?

Anonymous ID: 75d597 Aug. 23, 2018, 6:01 p.m. No.2717566   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7580 >>7590 >>7860

Notable - Baker


I nominated it late in last bread, yet you missed it.




Very high iq post on the importance of logical thinking on this board.


Thanks baker

Anonymous ID: 75d597 Aug. 23, 2018, 6:03 p.m. No.2717602   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7642 >>7651 >>7699 >>7710



>"the jews are all evil. they must obey the talmud".


Are all jews religious? are all religious jews made the same? does all religious subgroups intepret the torah or the talmud the same way? does it make sense that all jews follow some sort of rabbi?


No, as they are diverse, some are secular and don't give a shit about rabbis or torah or bible, some are karaim and dont give a shit about rabinic traditions or talmud, some take whatever tradition they personally like, and some are religious sheep who belong to different subgroups and follow different rabbis.


Do all catholics follow the pope?


you are out of your league pawn.

Anonymous ID: 75d597 Aug. 23, 2018, 6:14 p.m. No.2717771   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8056



Where are the royals? the house of Saud (one of the ruling families).

Is it "well known" that the house of Saud was one of the ruling families? is it well known that the rockefellers ("rocks") were once family number 4 but they lost their spot?

Is it well known to the vast public that there are ruling families? are there more connections? of course! But it has nothing to do with blaming an entire population.

Is it plausible that an entire mostly clueless population be all evil? Is social engineering real? is it necessary to shield the cabal? could those jews be, unknowingly used as a human shield to keep the cabal under the radar?


I do not try to prevent digs. I try to present the importance of logical thinking in exposing shills and making higher quality digs.

Anonymous ID: 75d597 Aug. 23, 2018, 6:20 p.m. No.2717847   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7900



lets examine:


loud and vocal - YES

presents full arguments - NO

presents out of context partial info on purpose - YES

Conclusion - Shill.


Here is the full context:


>The Talmud provides a contradiction between two statements regarding whether a gentile is allowed to study Torah. The accusation only quotes one side and does not provide the resolution. By seeing the whole text and the resolution we can better understand the Talmud's intent.


>What the accusation also does not quote is the passage immediately preceding ours. The Talmud states that it is forbidden for a gentile to fully observe the Jewish Sabbath and holidays. While this does not seem as conspiratorial as the prohibition against studying Torah it is still curious. Why should it be? The explanation is tied to the Talmud's resolution to the contradiction between Rabbi Yochanan and Rabbi Meir. The Talmud concludes that both rabbis agree but one was stating that a gentile is forbidden to study the parts of Torah that discuss the commandments relating specifically to Jews and the other was stating that a gentile is highly praised for studying the parts of Torah that discuss the commandments that relate to him. In other words, a gentile should be concerned with his role in G-d's world. He should actively pursue his place in the divine plan and attempt to raise himself to the highest human levels. However, as a righteous gentile, he must confine himself to HIS role and not someone else's role. When he starts studying about Jewish commandments and observing Jewish holidays, he is stepping out of his role as a righteous gentile and entering the role of a Jew. This is as inappropriate as if a Jew would start acting in the role of a righteous gentile. We all have our roles in the world and it is wrong to try to side-step those roles. A gentile can become a Jew through conversion but a righteous gentile is righteous in his own right and is forbidden to try to over-step his role.


P.S. in my opinion all that is 2000 year old religious crap, but full context is needed for a proper discussion. Shills never bring the full context. They are paid to drive a certain narrative and be loud.

Anonymous ID: 75d597 Aug. 23, 2018, 6:35 p.m. No.2718074   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8091



It does, but if you say "fuck rabinical religion" then all of a sudden "poof" it doesn't. As simple as that. Do you actually think that all jews follow rabinical law? Does it makes sense thath a multi million population follows rabbis? who are the karaim?

Are there no secular jews?


>the talmud permites cheating of gentiles


again it is without context, what makes it suspicious.


This brings the full context:


>Talmud Bava Kamma 113b


>Shmuel said: Their mistakes are permitted. Like when Shmuel bought from a gentile a golden bowl (with the seller thinking it was bronze) for four zuz and accidentally paid him one zuz less.

The Talmud is not stating that it is permissible to cheat a gentile. We saw above that the Talmud specifically forbids that. What the Talmud is saying is that normal business relations is for each party of a transaction to be responsible for their side of the deal. If Shmuel found a cheap bowl and, after accidentally underpaying, the seller did not count his money, then Shmuel was not obligated to correct the seller. The seller was negligent and Shmuel did not have to correct his mistake. For one's brothers and relatives one must go beyond the standard practice of business relations and correct all mistakes - return lost change, explain all misunderstandings, etc. However, for a business relation with whom there is mutual respect and understanding but nothing more, one conducts business by following convention.


>In case the preceding has been unclear, let me restate it. A Jew is not obligated to correct a gentile's business mistakes. The Jew may not trick the gentile but if the gentile has been careless then the sale is nevertheless valid.


>The following are just a few sources who state explicitly that the Talmud was only referring to accidental mistakes: Maimonides, Mishneh Torah, Hilchot Geneivah 7:8; Rabbi Mordechai Ashkenazi, Mordechai, end of Bava Batra; Chinuch, 258; Rabbi Shlomo Luriah, Yam Shel Shlomo, Bava Kamma 10:20; Rabbi Ephraim Navon, Machaneh Ephraim, Hilchot Gezeilah 4; Rabbi Yehoshua Falk, Sefer Me'irat Einayim, to Shulchan Aruch, Choshen Mishpat 283:6, 359:3.


P.S. I personally think it is a cruel way of acting in this world. And just another religious crap. But the full context was necessary for the discussion. Does it show that the out of context text was a lie? Are there more lies like these being spread? who are the most vocal spreaders? are they paid actors? is it possible that lies were made accidentally? Then why also bring out of context sentences? is it more plausible that it was done on purpose?

Anonymous ID: 75d597 Aug. 23, 2018, 6:37 p.m. No.2718100   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8261



Some could feel so, others might not. Does people all feel and behave the same way?

Even if the do feel sympathy to their compatriots, does is mean that they follow the same rules or lifestyle as others?

Anonymous ID: 75d597 Aug. 23, 2018, 6:43 p.m. No.2718179   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8203



But you would rather trust an out of context copypasta? Why did they make it out of context? Why make it provocative and loud? Done on purpose? expand your thinking.