Anonymous ID: ca555b Aug. 23, 2018, 6:05 p.m. No.2717643   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7666 >>7744 >>7850 >>8021 >>8120 >>8181

Seagram's Heir Matthew Bronfman lives in Israel in 17 Rothschild Project on Rothschild Boulevard on the 17 Floor


Matthew Bronfman (age 59) is the half-brother of Clare & Sara Bronfman of NXIVM sex cult fame.




Price of 2 Bdrm Apt. in Rothschild 17 - Price requested : 8720000 Shekel …. that's right, this site actually lists the price in Shekels!




He is the "Biggest American Jewish investor in the Israeli Economy" according to The Jerusalem Post.


Bronfman is also the main shareholder in IKEA Israel, Israel Discount Bank and Shufersal.



Matthew Bronfman is the chairman of the American Jewish Committee’s ACCESS, which trains Jewish professionals to shape public opinion and policy around the world.

"which trains JEWISH professionals to SHAPE PUBLIC OPINION AND POLICY around the world" !!


AJC Global Jewish Advocacy - Interdasting that the AJC leadership page shows the CEO but not Chairman Bronfman.


AJC has 22 offices in the US… in every Blue City! global too.


1:30 minute video shows him lighting torch as Chairman of LIMMUD FSU which is a 501(c)(3) non-profit.


2018 - Here is Bronfman and LIMMUD FSU at Columbia Univ. on the 70th Anniversary of Israel, holding an anti-Boycott Israel protest.

BDS is the global campaign promoting various forms of boycott against Israel.