Anonymous ID: f6e71e Aug. 23, 2018, 5:56 p.m. No.2717516   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7530

Still pissed of atthe jezebel cunt for mocking the anons class action suit. What they are doing to the American people goes way beyong anything civil courts can remedy.


You know those kids they finded chained up in basements who can't read and have never been outside?


Thta's what US media has been doing to the American people. Slowly diminishing the vocabulary, simplfing the explanations "dumbing it down" because you know, "our viewers are ball cap wearing snoteaters - as one History channel exec put it to this anon.


Anon has been a writer and producer in Hollywood 40 years. Are Hollywood movies stupid? Umm, it's not an accident. We're being poisoned.


You remember how when you were a little kid certain adults you respected? How when those adults told you something you believed it?


That's how we are with dramatic entertainment. It gets special privledged access to our unconscious. The unconscious mind is what does most of our deciding. When we don't really care, "just give me one of thse" or when we buy something impulsivly - that's the unconscious. Cognitive shrinks like Dan Airley at MIT and Danny Kahnnman say the vast majority of our decisions are made that way.


The unconscious is where drama goes. Stuff we hear and see in dramas we might not remeber but it becomes part ay not remember - but it sticks with us.


And (((they))) have been using that weapon against us, lately a lot. This is a slow poison.


The ones consciously doing this, the ones directly responsible are in the executive suites, and are the owners and operators of six major media companies. They've also infiltrated the guilds, though the low level cultist are impossible to distinguish from brainwashed victims so IDK, kill the head and the body will die is my thinking.


Nexttime you see a movie of a TV show pushing divisive destructive anti America or "self loathing" agenda, note the names involved, find out the executive taking credit for the project.


We should be tracking this.





Anonymous ID: f6e71e Aug. 23, 2018, 6:02 p.m. No.2717583   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Anons could get very pissed off at something like this is GRU'd drop some of their choice information our way. Come on guys, this is information war. You give us some information and we'll bitch to POTUS about Iranian shills in the wire.

  • high ranking anon general staff

Anonymous ID: f6e71e Aug. 23, 2018, 6:11 p.m. No.2717736   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7877

"These people of Dalmatia gave the bread out of their mouths to save us of Western Europe from Islam; and it is ironical that so successfully did they protect us that those among us who would be broad-minded, who will in that pursuit stretch their minds until they fall apart in idiocy, would blythely tell us that perhaps the Dalmations need not have gone to the trouble, that an Islamicized West could not have been worse than we are today. Their folly is certified for what it is by the mere sound of the word 'Balkan,' with its suggestion of a disorder that defies human virtue and intelligence to accomplish its complete correction. I could confirm that certificate by my own memories: I had only to shut my eyes to smell the dust, the lethargy, the rage and hopelessness of that Macedonian town, once a glory to Europe, that had too long been Turkish. The West has done much that is ill, it is vulgar and superficial, and economically sadist; but it has not known that death in life which was suffered by the Christian provinces under the Ottoman Empire."

Anonymous ID: f6e71e Aug. 23, 2018, 6:24 p.m. No.2717921   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Have you ever thought about a network that wasn't a spyware encrusted sewer like the internet?


If you have, if you've ever wished the internet satan's e-child offspring didn't exist, then this post is for you.





We seldom consider how important identity is in real life. Appearance, voice, dress and mannerisms testify to a friend’s identity; diplomas, professional licenses and other credentials all attach to and

support that single, permanent, lifetime identity. It is that confidence in the security of real world identity which allows us to form communities, develop trust, and engage in commerce.


Currently, on our existing internet, identity is not fixed. On the present version of the internet, anyone can pretend to be anyone; email can appear to be from anywhere; websites are trivially spoofed. The internet has become a realm of shape shifters, and shape shifters, like Navaho Skinwalkers, populate the nightmares of every human culture.


The early internet was very different. Similar to a small town, with tens of thousands of users, security, like the hook and eye latch on a screen door, served more to indicate a boundary than a barrier to actually keep people out.


The 2018 internet is a networked megalopolis of 3.5 billion users with a topology that provides ill-disposed individuals the means to connect, incentive to collaborate and poorly defended access to the critical, insecurable infrastructure of our civilization.


With an additional ~ 5 billion new users coming online over the next decade, if the internet is to be of continued service, identity-based secure networking is critical.


By making network access conditional on authentication of identity, we secure a virtual perimeter, and, to the extent we are successful in doing this we extend global protection to the entire network infrastructure.


It is possible now using existing technology to establish the identity of every user on a network and do so to a level of confidence approximating that of appearance-based identification of an individual known to us in real life.


How do we protect that user data, and provide assured anonmity and certain identity to 8 billion users?


There is a trick to it. You have to barter a deal with a Saudi citizen, but I'm confident she'd go for it, and that she has the abilty to protect that data to a degree and in ways we can't understand. That would be part two.


we need secure networking now