Is the National Enquirer holding damning stories about @realDonaldTrump like the #FakeNews wants us to believe or are they holding damning stories on the powerful elites uncovering their nefarious pedophiliac tendencies? Enquiring Minds want to Know!
What if Michael Cohen was a way to get to the secret stories that National Enquirer had locked up but kept the owner of the National Enquirer safe. This whole thing gets wrapped up together, but it was always about those locked up stories (not about Trump).
Why did Michael Cohen give Lanny Davis a website that belonged to @realDonaldTrump? as his legal defense fund website. This had to be planned, no way was it a mistake.
Michael Cohen has to be part of the plan and it was always to get those secret stories that were locked up in the National Enquirers safe out in the open, by the hands of the Democrats themselves. Thinking they were about Trump, but they want be.
National Enquirer owner long time friend of Trump, but he could not just release the stories or he would end up dead.
But if stories got caught up in the Mueller Witch Hunt, then it would not be his fault and it would be too late.
I smell an elaborate plan with Michael Cohen being a willing player. He said he would take a bullet.
This could be alot of fun to see all the dirt that will be exposed on the rich and powerful.