Jeff Sessions Touring Gitmo Prison
By Jeffrey Rodack | Friday, 07 July 2017 11:45 AM
Attorney General Jeff Sessions was scheduled to visit the prison at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba on Friday to get a firsthand look at the facility.
Sessions was to be joined on his tour by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, The Hill reported.
Sessions has defended the detention facility. He said in March there is no legal reason not to send newly captured terrorism suspects there, according to The Hill.
"Keeping this country safe from terrorists is the highest priority of the Trump administration," Ian Prior, Department of Justice spokesman said.
"Recent attacks in Europe and elsewhere confirm that the threat to our nation is immediate and real, and it remains essential that we use every lawful tool available to prevent as many attacks as possible."
Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats was expected to join Sessions and Rosenstein in the visit to the prison, the Miami Herald reported.
Sessions first visited the prison when he was a U.S. senator in Jan. 2002, the newspaper said.
Prior said Sessions would meet with "the people on the ground who are leading our government-wide efforts" at the facility.
"It's important for the Department of Justice to have an up-to-date understanding of current operations," he said.