>We are now living in a post-constitutional society
Been that way since 1865. The Founding Fathers failed to build a Republic capable of lasting more than 3 generations. Not that this was a surprise, as Ben Franklin saw it coming. A little over a century after the nation declared independence, our elites were ready to rejoin the British Empire, only this time as “equals” with “special friendships.”
America is a multi-ethnic empire held together solely by military force and the corruption of elites. America is not a cohesive nation culturally, racially, ethnically, or even regionally. Trump can't save us, he can just put us in a better position for what is to come. I genuinely hope Trump drains the swamp and builds the wall, but as soon as you civnats understand that the trajectory and fate of the US was sealed long before any of us were even born, the easier it will be adapt when SHTF.