Anonymous ID: c521c0 Aug. 23, 2018, 8:54 p.m. No.2719551   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9572 >>9574 >>9576 >>9616 >>9730

>>2719069, >>2719095

As if the "muh russian bots" narrative isn't enough to make the discerning among you skeptical, lemme weigh in as an ex-vaccine scientist. I'm an "Ex" bc of how dirty pharma is. Vaccines do far more harm than good, and (((they))) know it. I was a many-times whistle blower in the industry in the 90s/00s. What began as a series of observations of data cooking in clinical trials (erasing negatives and falsifying positives) ended in my being selected for a defense project in bioterrorism countermeasures–precisely bc I was willing to tell the truth even if it meant bringing holy hell down on my head. We're all patriots here, we've all made that deal at some point in our lives: truth or bust. Trust me, the whitehats of the Mil behind the Q plan know pharma is a scam to make and keep us sick–they've known for decades. They put in safeguards long ago so that when go-time came they'd already have stockpiles of antidotes to every weapon these fucks could send our way. The one I made was to weaponized smallpox, but it worked on anthrax and a number of other agents. Called "broad spectrum anti-infective"–which you could loosely translate as universal infectious agent antidote. Blackhats know we've got it, so they know any terror they could cause with epidemics would only be short term and limited area. Keep that in mind when they try these scare tactics. Do you think our Mil would poke that tiger if they hadn't already figured out how to keep us safe? It's why I've never doubted the plan this whole time. I saw how carefully they prepared just this one aspect years ago. So I know they'd have done the same with economy, riots, and even public perception (slow redpilling) etc. I know way too many of us are sick and scared rn, but just hang in there, health is on its way. It's my opinion that, as soon as the State/Mil issues of the world are sorted, POTUS/Q team will turn their full attention to Pharma/health/clean air/water. Until then, keep in mind my mentor on the defense project told me not to trust any meds made in the last 15 years. That would be 25-30 yrs ago now. All the testing is fraudulent, can't be trusted. Ask for generic whenever you can (means it's been on market at least 10-15 yrs). And this is most important: eat as clean as you can–no pesticides/GMO's/preservatives/MSG. And def don't take any vaccines, for you or your kids (or animals when possible). None of the elite do–they laugh at us for being such fools. And by "they" I do mean (((they))), and so do the whitehats. They redpilled me on the JQ way back then.

Anonymous ID: c521c0 Aug. 23, 2018, 9:05 p.m. No.2719633   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9655 >>9658 >>9676 >>9730


YW. Sorry for wall of text, I was ranting and didn't realize I'd written so much.



No, the increase in gender confusion is in part biological, but it's from the increase in plastics (estrogen mimickers) and in birth control pills. The chemicals make it into our water supply and even small amounts during gestation can lower the effects of testosterone on a developing male. The increase in lesbians is mainly child abuse and propaganda. The increase in male homosexuals is due to lowered testosterone which is a mix of chemical and psychological influences.


What vaccine use causes is immune dysfunction, which includes all the bizarre food allergies, GI issues and asthma problems we have. That's best case. Worst case, vaccines cause brain swelling in infants, which is largely behind the autism epidemic. The mercury and aluminum contributes there also. As well to migraines and chronic fatigue.

Anonymous ID: c521c0 Aug. 23, 2018, 9:12 p.m. No.2719701   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9727


Not kidding that a hard line food and home chemicals detox will help more than you know. I too had chemical sensitivities for years–bc had been a chemist for so long.


Eat "paleo"–no grains. And don't eat ANY processed food. Even in "organic" they use MSG now, and MSG is very toxic to the chemically sensitized nervous system. Only organic meants/veg/fruit, and prepare everything yourself. After 3-6 mos. you'll notice big changes, but it might take that long.


Also, no household cleaners or perfumes/colognes. Only organic soaps/shampoos etc. I use Dr. Bronners liquid soap for everything (yeah, even as household cleaner). Once the nervous system gets sensitized, any exposure causes an allergic inflammation. Go super clean a few months and your system will reset, then you can introduce stuff once in awhile and see how you do.


Sorry that happened to you. You're right to stay away from mainsteam medicine tho. And yeah, herbs and homeopathy and even massage therapy work really well. Put your time/money there and into clean food. God bless anon.

Anonymous ID: c521c0 Aug. 23, 2018, 9:18 p.m. No.2719766   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9789


Oh I'm so glad you're holding out. You're saving your child's life. He/she will be a number of IQ points smarter, more resilient emotionally, and have far fewer gastric and other health issues lifelong. You're probably already noticing better sleep habits than other testimonies of new parents who vaccinate.


I've told many new parents to resist vaccination over the years, and their children are happy and healthy–no autism, no allergies.

Anonymous ID: c521c0 Aug. 23, 2018, 9:20 p.m. No.2719782   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>do not get multiple vaccinations at the same time - overwhelms the system.

>spread them out, and get as few as possible.

This^^^. If you must (bc school) do it this way.