Anonymous ID: e7260b Aug. 23, 2018, 8 p.m. No.2719045   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9083 >>9155 >>9208 >>9554 >>9677 >>9730


actually a really good intro article (written today)

Everything you need to know about Scott Morrison, Australia's new prime minister


Morrison has had a long political career spanning 10 years in parliament, but his interest in politics started way before that.


Heโ€™s had a broad range of policy experience across immigration, border protection, and social services. This week he has been acting Home Affairs minister and killed Huaweiโ€™s bid to build Australiaโ€™s 5G network.


His strengths in terms of political appeal include that heโ€™s Sydney born and bred, where there are a high number of marginal seats.


He has a strong record as immigration minister and has grown as Treasurer, showing a strong grasp of the different moving parts of the economy, and presiding over a record run of job creation.


However, he can be abrupt to point of coming across as rude โ€” and was known for his stonewalling of journalists as immigration minister.


a whole lot moar there