Is President Trump “Setting the Table” to Attack Big Pharma on Vaccines?
By Kent Heckenlively, JD
The best news I got last week was that the $289 million dollar verdict against Monsanto for their use of the herbicide Round-Up, led by Robert F. Kennedy. Jr. and his brave band of “Untouchables” caused an $11 BILLION DOLLAR drop in the price of its parent company, Bayer.
An article in Bloomberg News put it in perspective:
“The reliance of the U.S. company, and now, its German acquirer, on Round-Up extends far beyond just selling it as a weed-killer. Monsanto genetically engineered the DNA of corn, soybeans and other crops to make them resistant to Round-Up; it now makes more revenue from seeds and traits than it does from herbicide.”
You can read the Bloomberg article HERE:
The market value of the entire Monsanto company is only $66 billion dollars. A few more weeks like that and we’ve made some serious progress in destroying one of the most evil companies on the planet.
I mean, really, we can strike a blow against PESTICIDES AND GMOs at the same time?
These are good days to be alive.
The other good news last week is that President Trump called on the attorney general to sue pharmaceutical companies which produce opioids.
From The Wall Street Journal…
“In a cabinet meeting Thursday at the White House, Mr. Trump asked Attorney General Jeff Sessions to bring a ‘major lawsuit’ against drug companies that ‘are really sending opioids at a level that it shouldn’t be happening.’ He said he wanted the attorney general to bring the suit at the federal level, rather than join existing litigation brought by the states.”
You can read the Wall Street Journal article HERE:
I want to put an idea into your mind as to what MAY be happening.
I will state VERY CLEARLY that I DO NOT KNOW if this is the truth.
But I suspect it is.
Before the election and during the campaign, President Trump was very clear he believed vaccines were linked to the increase in autism.
Shortly after he took office he met with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. to discuss him heading up a Vaccine Safety Commission. We also heard that when Trump met with Bill Gates they talked about vaccines, with Gates assuring him that vaccines were completely safe.
From that point we have heard nothing.
If it were any other politician our community would rightly assume that it was simply a case of another candidate, from McCain to Obama to Hillary Clinton, who pretended to be on our side to get our vote, then to later betray us.
I get it.
However, I don’t think that’s Trump.
Read more here: