Anonymous ID: 631a88 Aug. 23, 2018, 9:47 p.m. No.2720011   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>2719759, >>2719814, >>2719853

Ty bakers, ty BO.


>>2719676 lb

I love this irony bigly. I had massive autismal troubles as a wee person, and here I am now, giving these fuckers the what-for kek!!

But they didn't really "make" us. High IQ personalities have traits similar to "autism" vaccines or no vaccines, and that's mostly hereditary. The whitehats of my defense days also knew this subset of the population would play the kind of role we're playing now btw, they just used different terms for it. But "autists" is a chan term, and I'm guessing Q uses it bc he loves us.


The vaccines, and the rest of the abuse people endure in today's narcissistic age, do make the contemplative/independent-type personalities among us even more withdrawn bc they make everyone a little more emotionally reactive. But it turns out being socially ostracized/disinterested is exactly what gives you the distance to see difficult truths -- you don't have to fear alienation if you're already a lone wolf.


And it wasn't just "autists" our modern world did this to, it was all true conservatives, the morally principled, and white males especially. Sun Tzu said in Art of War "never surround your enemy, always leave an escape, or he'll fight to the death." (((They))) should have read the book. They made unyielding enemies out of the very people who would otherwise choose retreat, who HAD been choosing compromise decade after decade, until we were painted into a corner. Oops. So in that respect, yeah, they did "make" the very thing that will take them down: "autists" and live-free-of-die patriots of all stripes. Sweet justice, no?


They never thought she'd lose.

OR that WE'd fight back.

Wrong on both counts.