Hypegamy doesn't care.
Until slut shamming is brought back and the divorce rape racket is gone, 99% of grills will be thots if they are hot enough to pull it (meaning, 99% of all 4s and above will).
Hypegamy doesn't care.
Until slut shamming is brought back and the divorce rape racket is gone, 99% of grills will be thots if they are hot enough to pull it (meaning, 99% of all 4s and above will).
Meh, the jewish MSM is as dumb/suicidal as a group of jews trying to subvert their host nation at any cost no matter how much backlash they're going to have to eat for it.
Oh wait…
Sincere and voluminous.
Fear not, Western society will become more K selected, its a cyclical thing.
Are you doing your part, citizen?
>Would you like to know more?
I only care about Trump fucking one thing:
the deep state.
I have 0 interest in his sex life beyond that.
I am thinking, I want to volunteer for space colonization programs if space settlers are needed, you know, after we clean up this shit down here.
Probably going to need lots of people who are willing to die in the process, I don't mind.
You don't even have to pay me (guess all resources would be rationed anyway up there), I would just like to help build something.
The plan, simplified and in meme format.
It's a great plan :)
Update your Zimbabwe fren.
Whites really need their own ethno-estate.
Perhaps in the future, under Trump, White people can buy a huge piece of land and make it their own White city.
No war, no violence, just peaceful and legal separation and right to freedom of association.
Pic related.
>Jews were the slavers
This is a verifiable fact.
In 1993, Dr. Tony Martin was harassed and a target of attempted ruin and destruction by not only the zionist machine operating in the US, but also the religious jewish machine operating in the US, for stating FACTS and TRUTH about jewish history and religion.
Listen to the man yourself.
And he died under mysterious circunstances.
Kikes killed him, like they killed General Patton for telling the truth about their jewish subversion and corruption.
Jews have used the Black Civil Rights movement to their own benefit, and its time to tell the truth about this issue too.
Read this article:
Quote from article:
“The NAACP was so Jewish during its first 66 years that that feature is almost unbelievable. Indeed, the NAACP had only Jewish presidents until 1975. Jewish involvement in the Black civil-rights movement had nothing to do with “ending racial discrimination,” or with their love of Black people. It had everything to do with making America less “White,” so that Jews — always the traditional enemy of gentile/non-Jewish countries — would be less noticeable in America, leading, in Jewish theory, to less “anti-Semitism.””
To have another author’s perspective on this issue, you can read the book “The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit and its impact in world history”. If you don’t want to buy this book or go thru its 1200+ pages, you can read this review of it, it gives you precious information about the issu of jews having used/hijacked the Black Civil Rights movement to further their own jewish supremacist agenda in the US:
Archive of the review here:
Quote from review:
““The [1909] founding of the NAACP,” Jones argues, “marked the beginning of Jewish impact on American life. . . . The NAACP was a Jewish organization, run by a board with no black represent
atives. . .
Harold Cruse [said it was created] ‘to fight anti-Semitism by remote control’”(700). Jones then shows how these revolutionary Jews recruited a black face for the movement, and thus W. E. B. Du Bois became the public face for the NAACP. What is interesting is not just the fact that such Jews used blacks as a battering ram against white rule
and independence, at the same time they prevented blacks from for
ming a nationalistic, particularistic society of their own.
To wit, they mercilessly attacked Booker T. Washington, founder of the Tuskegee Institute, and his movement, using Du Bois as the main
agent. Washington was destroyed by a manufactured “scandal” in
which he was accused of peeping into the apartment of a white woman. “Washington, the leading black figure in America, was now associated with voyeurism and the fatal sin of sexual attraction to white
women” (703).
Du Bois next moved on to the destruction of Marcus Garvey, the black nationalist Jamaican who had started a steamship line to repatriate blacks back to Africa. As the Jewish members of the NAACP wanted integration of blacks and whites in America, not segregation or repatriation, they worked behind the scenes to bring Garvey down.
Garvey caught on, and his suspicions were strengthened when, after being arrested for mail fraud in 1922, he found that the presiding judge at his trial was Julian Mack, an elite German Jew “who also served on the board of the NAACP.” Garvey appealed to this apparent conflict of interest to have Judge Mack dismissed, but his request was denied. Now “he became even more convinced that he was the
victim of an ‘international frame up,’ declaring: ‘I am being punished for the crime of the Jew Silverstone [an agent for the failed shipping line]. I was prosecuted by Maxwell Mattuck, another Jew, and I am to be sentenced by Judge Julian Mack, the eminent Jewish jurist. Truly I may say ‘I was going to Jericho and fell among the thieves’”(781).
The mission of the NAACP and Du Bois was accomplished. Garvey
got the maximum sentence of five years, and the push toward black-white integration had cleared another hurdle. This hypocritical strategy of pushing integration for all gentile groups while opposing it for
Jews only gained steam as the century unfolded, particularly
once modern Israel came into being in 1948.”
Read: https://www.theoccidentalobserver.net/2018/08/16/a-reply-to-jordan-peterson/
Well, time to kill all the jews then, they are the nazis after all ;)
Don't you jews dare to try to pull that psyop, you will get killed for it.
Jewish subversion comes from way before Hitler.
That is verifiable.
NAACP was founded in 1909, it was made to exacerbate racial tensions in the US.
The FED was built in 1913.
Israel was being planned by Roths since at least 1851.
I could go on and on.
I like your brand of autismo.
Another great article about this issue is this one:
“Jewish Dominance and Exploitation of the Black Civil Rights Movement”
Bibliography of the article (and the whole “When Victims Rule” book) here:
Quote from article:
“Many observers argue that the presumed Jewish altruism and social activism in the American civil rights movement of the 1960's had baser motives. Benjamin Ginsberg argues that the multicultural coalitions spearheaded by Jews in the civil rights era "was a political tactic" to "undermine the power" of those establishment social forces that hindered further Jewish socio-economic advancement. [GINSBERG, p. 125] In 1975 Hasia Dinner wrote a PhD thesis about the way that "Jewish support for black causes was a way for Jews to broaden their own rights without becoming conspicuous by advocating their group interests." [FEINGOLD, p. 130] "Jewish leaders," wrote Diner, "representing different socio-economic classes, ideologies, and cultural experiences committed themselves to black betterment and gave time, money, and energy to black organizations. The spectrum was so wide and the involvement so extensive that one must conclude that these leaders acted out of peculiarly Jewish motives … [My] book demonstrates that Jewish ends were secured by involvement with blacks." [DINER, p. xiv, xii] ”
I wish we could troll the fuck out of the lying jews and make a kickstarter campaign for "Holocaust - a real one this time".
Just to mine some yid salt.
Instead, they are getting 500 million a year from German tax payers for the lie, they are the ones trolling the fuck out of the goyim, as always.
Good thing this will end soon, one way or the other.
I talk about their kikery anytime I can.
I have to word my shit carefully when talking about the fraud of the holohoax, I can get jail time here for questioning that fraud. But I found a way around it that redpills people even more on it.
"Some people say that the official version of the holocaust is a fraud, and they have proved it. I still believe the official version that has been proved false by some people because it is illegal to question the official version, and because I follow all laws of this country, I believe the official version of the holocaust, LIKE THE LAW DEMANDS."
You should see how people react to that shit, its priceless.
And more, I was thinking the other day, why do you think Q says that the truth can't just come out like it is because there would be war?
How many US families have lost someone, or had someone lost their limb(s) because of the 100% Israel interest wars in the ME?
If Q woke up the normads too fast, they would kill all jews in a second. The rage would take over, and the people would be demanding that Trump nuked Israel, or they would riot the fuck out.
And I am not even going to go into the 9/11 Israeli terror attack and how Israel has used ISIS to bomb Germany, France and Belgium once they expressed support for Palestine.
The goyim know, kikes will pay.
Do you fill me bro?
Fill her like Miller the lady killer.