Start at 7:52 minute mark: the Amtrak GOP crash truck is from an inactive company.
My thinking is what better way to coerce billions in funds than stage this with budget lawmakers?
https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jcekm05d-so
Start at 7:52 minute mark: the Amtrak GOP crash truck is from an inactive company.
My thinking is what better way to coerce billions in funds than stage this with budget lawmakers?
https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jcekm05d-so
This happened in San Francisco after Giants world series games too.
Posted in the first at 7:52 minute mark:
Start at 7:52 minute mark: the Amtrak GOP crash truck is from an inactive company.
My thinking is what better way to coerce billions in funds than stage this with budget lawmakers?
https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jcekm05d-so