Speak for yourself mr. 17 posts
you dont fucking tell me what im here to do
and im here to kick jew ass
you gay jew kike fag
Speak for yourself mr. 17 posts
you dont fucking tell me what im here to do
and im here to kick jew ass
you gay jew kike fag
>Pretends to know what im talking about
>I actually just make shit up to seem cool
>Only assumptions and opinions here, folks!
Yes, I am brian dead.
Fuck you you jew kike
I'll kick jew ass until the day I fucking die
Q Research General #3437: "The Rise Of The Jews" Edition
>16 posts
>hmm, if I use this pepe-eat-shill meme, i'll seem less like a fucking jew kike
>I've been here since ____
>I've done _____
>I have so many notables
>What have you done?
You might as well say "I'm a girl" too
You fucking newfag retard fuckup jew kike
Your newfag is so fucking blaringly obnoxiously annoyingly blatant that it fucking makes my brain cells retreat into the deep recesses of my fucking ass, you fuckup.
>I'll just keep posting
>Nobody notices i'm up to 23 now
>Gotta earn those fucking shekels
So many fucking dirty jews.
This bread is moldier than my mom's dried out vagina.
Nigger, you don't know shit, and i'm quaking in my god damned high heel boots rn
Your obligatory (You) for being a fuckup sigfag
as you do the completely same thing, showing that you're
a. an attentionfag
b. a newfag
c. a shill
d. a hypocrite
congratufuckinglations you nigger jew
>"No real knowledge of what's behind the curtain"
Not really though, I mean, I remember when fakebot posted all that fakelarp bullshit on that forum, you're not creepy, you can't even copy other larpniggers without being obvious
There's no jews in this bread
What sort of message is that?
You can't even think of something creative and spoopy to say?
What sort of failure larpnigger are you?
Boring as fuck
Together, we can help you reach 50 posts, you newfag nigger fuckup
>Flood bread with jews
>Pretend to be normal
>They'll never notice we're jews
We dont notice
Carry on
Can we get one of those useless BV faggots to come in here and monitor the breads or something? The amount of jew kikery in this bread is honestly fucking astounding and seriously fucking concerning. There's like 8% real anon, 92% jew.
>Complain about guy complaining about jews
>Too fucking gay or pussy to fight back myself
I'll come back when all the jews leave, the amount of jewish subversion going on in this bread should concern any serious anon. But I don't really give a fuck, plan's in motion, and the jewish menace will be smited regardless, just seems like you fuckup nigger faggots should try and defend your turf from the seemingly endless onslaught of invading jewkikes
Just realised how retarded you are, and I was about to leave. :(
My bro, you got on my case for attacking jews
And now you're calling me a jew nigger?
Screws loose in your head, you fuckup nigger, lel