Anonymous ID: d27c9d Aug. 24, 2018, 4:57 a.m. No.2721634   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1813 >>1829


"Their anti-semitism is indispensible to us for the management of our lesser brethren." - Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion


You're punching a tar baby. I've been schooled on the JQ for 20 years. I've bought and passed out copies of Michael Hoffman's books to local pastors. I've got one of the rare copies of The Plot Against Christianity by Elizabeth Dilling still around. I've battled a hundred brain dead normies at a time online for years.


You need to ask yourself if you are accomplishing anything. Believe me, you alienate more people than you convert. The battle is against Good and Evil, God and Lucifer, not Jews and the goyim. If you call out what is morally wrong, you will call out (((their))) schemes without falling into the trap of identity politics set by the Left. And God will bless that. Acts 17:27-28 says that God created the nations and peoples of the earth SO THAT MEN MIGHT SEEK HIM. So, stop worrying. White people ain't going away until God wants us gone, and when he does, there ain't a damn thing you or I can do about it.


It isn't about about 'Jews' as much as it's about what Dr. Henry Makow called people who want to bring back the Old Religions- the Luciferian, demon-worshipping paganism that came from the Nephilim to the Egyptians, Phoenicians, Canaanites, Babylonians, Greeks, Romans, etc. Elizabeth Dilling winds up saying as much. Are Jews heavily representative in that? Yes, the Kabbalah is the cornerstone of the occult. But . . . what about Alistair Crowley? Dick Cheney? Thule Society? All these elite Luciferian families that are not Jewish in origin? Please don't try to make the flimsy connection that the Bush family are 'Jews' and leap over 5 or 6 generations from Solomon Busch to Prescott without any PROOF or claim some guy named Scherff looks more like W than Prescott. Too much generalization makes you look like a conspiratard. How about Ricky Dearman and all those witches at Christchurch running that Satanic cult? Jews? Nope. Fiona Barnett's SRA cult? Jews? Not a one as far as I can tell. Call things what they are instead of looking for a convenient group of people to blame.

Anonymous ID: d27c9d Aug. 24, 2018, 5:05 a.m. No.2721662   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1679 >>1929


Does it accomplish anything to harp on it? Or does it reverse the gains that have been made red-pilling? Do you realize that Trump's support of Israel and his Jewish grandchildren galvanize him from the 'Nazi' criticism? Just asking questions.

Anonymous ID: d27c9d Aug. 24, 2018, 5:14 a.m. No.2721697   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Objective truth is important. The passing on of it is even more important. A mature thinker is able to see not only the objective Truth, but understand the way others perceive what they're saying in order to communicate more effectively.

Anonymous ID: d27c9d Aug. 24, 2018, 5:29 a.m. No.2721733   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1743


He also said he came only for them and compared them to children versus comparing Canaanites to dogs, and he told His disciples not to go out to the villages of the gentiles but to go only to villages of the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel. Now, I'm not going to get into 'Willie Martin studies' with you about 'Jews' versus 'Israelites' versus 'Edomites'. It doesn't matter because they were all mixed up from the start and intermarried with the people around them (Moses, Ruth, many Old Testament figures), plus there's Revelation 7:9. Israel wasn't set apart because of race. They were set apart because of God (His plan to reveal Himself to the rest of us).

Anonymous ID: d27c9d Aug. 24, 2018, 5:44 a.m. No.2721793   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>2721770 Nope, they'll just do what they've done for centuries, which is point over to you in the corner and scream, "Oy, why does he hate us?" and the Middle of the Bell Curve normies will say, "Oh, we're so sorry. You seem like such a nice fellow, Abe."

Anonymous ID: d27c9d Aug. 24, 2018, 6:02 a.m. No.2721902   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1983 >>2012 >>2062


No, the Talmud does not 'promote' pedophilia. What is does, like the Pharisees of Christ's time, is find all kind of legalistic ways around pedophilia and other stuff that is wrong when understood through the spirit of the law versus the letter of the law. And, yes, I have read a significant amount of the Talmud (jeesh, who could read through the whole thing- I'm not HL Mencken). There's plenty of appalling stuff in there, but the rabbis aren't brazen enough to out and out PROMOTE pedophilia (although they have at least as bad of a problem with it as the Catholics). The Talmud doesn't do anything that Christian seminaries aren't doing today! Which is ignoring the scripture so it can be twisted by some professor who is making his teachings of men (such as it's okay for fags to get married or to be pastors cuz God is Luv).

Anonymous ID: d27c9d Aug. 24, 2018, 6:32 a.m. No.2722084   🗄️.is 🔗kun


All this does is prove my point. The Talmud does not PROMOTE it. It creates a loophole with a built in excuse. Just like if you go and tell someone that it says 'Jesus' is burning in hell in excrement, and they go and look up that actual passage, they will have to have the right publication with the footnote that says 'Cuthean' can mean 'Jesus' or you will look like an exaggerator or, worse, a liar. If you want to redpill people about the JQ, be accurate. The real bad stuff is in the Kabbalah. That basically PROMOTES everything God told the Israelites to wipe the Canaanites out for doing. The Talmud is false teaching. The Kabbalah is straight up Luciferian. And that's where the child molesting, cult of Tanit/Molech leaven comes in.

Anonymous ID: d27c9d Aug. 24, 2018, 6:37 a.m. No.2722105   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Dumbass, I've read the passages you're referring to, and Jews are just going to say this has to do with being eligible to marry as a virgin if something happened to you. They've got crap in there about if a woman falls on a stick is she still a virgin? Again, be accurate.