Another article to wake up to…near me as well…
Another article to wake up to…near me as well…
yes good catch. Desensitization at it's finest. Also note the links claims 35 while the article claims 34 individuals.
May I ask how you got the screenshot up with the article?
kek..been here since Oct. Self Dox via metadata holds me back, as I know I know nothing at all about the tech portion. Believe me, I have the mind for this, but finding someone who can be trusted to help is too rare a thing. All my time here has mostly been spent using logic to decipher truth, but when it comes to graphics creations, I just haven't made it far enough into understanding how it all works. I have a clipboard for snips, but my device is registered to me, and metadata usually has information leading back to source if I'm not mistaken.
test graphic post…
he has machine guns at his disposal all over the place
meh..I am quite sure the defense tech is more advanced then that by now.
hoo, hoo
Rats fleeing a sinking ship?