what can possibly be done about all the people the cabal has wrongfully put in jail over the last 50 years and more ?
how do you fix it without undermining confidence in the entire system
what can possibly be done about all the people the cabal has wrongfully put in jail over the last 50 years and more ?
how do you fix it without undermining confidence in the entire system
not really
i think a fair bit of people are doing other shit as nothing ever happens
that and the mass shilling puts a bit of a dampr on things
because then every 2 bit crack dealer murderer etc
will have a free license to challenge their cases
i almost want to burn it all down but that wont end well
i think i find something odd
bruce ohr is one of the cabals lapdogs
this is a part of kabballah
Ohr ("Light" Hebrew: אור; plural: Ohros/Ohrot "Lights" אורות) is a central Kabbalistic term in the Jewish mystical tradition. The analogy of physical light is used as a way of describing metaphysical Divine emanations. Shefa ("Flow" שפע and its derivative, Hashpoah "Influence" השפעה) is sometimes alternatively used in Kabbalah, a term also used in Medieval Jewish Philosophy to mean Divine influence, while the Kabbalists favour Ohr because its numerical value equals Raz ("mystery").[1] It is one of the two main metaphors in Kabbalah for understanding Divinity, along with the other metaphor of the human soul-body relationship for the Sephirot.[2] The metaphorical description of spiritual Divine creative-flow, using the term for physical "light" perceived with the eye, arises from analogous similarities. These include the intangible physicality of light, the delight it inspires and the illumination it gives, its apparently immediate transmission and constant connection with its source. Light can be veiled ("Tzimtzum"-constrictions in Kabbalah) and reflected ("an ascending light from the Creations" in Kabbalah). White light divides into 7 colours, yet this plurality unites from one source. Divine light divides into the 7 emotional Sephirot, but there is no plurality in the Divine essence. The term Ohr in Kabbalah is contrasted with Ma'ohr, the "luminary", and Kli, the spiritual "vessel" for the light.
i bet all of their names have meaning
and that alot of them are fake names
and their real last name is a bloodline one