You have been advised to #kiLlthEmaChinEs.
Indians really want to matter.
the shill is strong here.
Don't fuck with His peeps.
Go and learn the meaning of #kilLthEmaChinEs
Peace Through Filtering.
It would really suck if the people who have "the power" and "more than they know" do nothing but sit around and wait for some Q to use it for them.
That's NOT what the Founders had in mind.
Fucking "autists."
How about just reading it? It's saying, "Hey, kids, the media is silencing you."
not sure if you should be associating that fine ass with that nonsensical rant unless you can 'splain in such a way that the sense of beauty and proportion and logic is analgous, which I am NOT betting on.
glenn beck is going to make my head explode.
a bot then.