If I hear one more person say that the economic numbers are residual from Obama…. FUCK! First of all, you cannot have it two ways. Either the little guy does not benefit from the numbers or they are great and Obama did it. Secondly, I would buy this bullshit, because I am not economist. But! The economic policies are so drastically different from anything that has been done since the first Bush ran things. There is no way that a sudden change in numbers is not related to a sudden and drastic change in policy. It is completely illogical
This was the main point. LOL
These numbers were so drastically different, they get larger as they get farther from Obama. What stopped Obama from ever arresting 2000? What would influence the DOJ of such a hated president with drastically different approaches to things to act so differently?
I am confused, because I KNOW he is lying. That is what he does