The people of the UK are Not our enemy. We should not celebrate their demise….
Look at just how little the people of the USA have had over the wars/destabilizations of our Gov't that doesn't listen to us at all…
The people of the UK are Not our enemy. We should not celebrate their demise….
Look at just how little the people of the USA have had over the wars/destabilizations of our Gov't that doesn't listen to us at all…
What hammer? It will only drop, When & IF DJT decides to declassify and let all these traitorous gov't employees self implode….
NOT confident it will happen in time…his advisors seem very very timid
the cabal won't ever declassify…I hope DJT will ignore all their threats to resign and do it himself and very soon…Let em All Resign…
Have always liked her and Fox Business much more than Fox News….if we could just get rid of Cavuto, Fox Business would be much better.
many many "crumbs" are disinfo…you should have multiple sources of info to weed out what is good from disinfo…
Nothing that is visible to date is real…it is all theater…and impossible to know w/o a clearance what is and is Not real….