Anonymous ID: 5bbe28 Aug. 24, 2018, 9:58 a.m. No.2723754   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4003 >>4480

a very relevant pot from yesterday's bread. Serves as an antidote to the shill plague.


logical thinking and why it is so important


and how simple logical thinking clears all shilling and other mess here on the board:


Lets start with the muhjoo crap:


  1. Did you ever think that if the jews were in fact all evil, THEN THE SHILLS WOULDN'T BE PUSHING THIS MUHJOO NARATIVE SO HARD?


Look at their timing and their loudness. There used to be that spammer copy pasta shill. After he was exposed he was replaced by his dumber louder counterparts. Why are they pushing it so hard on fucking QRESEARCH board?


Because its a tactic: shield the occult cabal by bashing an entire population. And to make this board look antisemitic to chase away new eyes and to bait the msm to call the q movement "nazi".


  1. (to all muhjoo shills) You say you support potus, yet his daughter is jewish by conversion and her entire family in law is jewish.


That means that either:


>1. Potus is evil and compd.




>2. There is no reason to hate an entire group of people who are mostly clueless normies..


  1. "the jews are all evil. they must obey the talmud".


Are all jews religious? are all religious jews made the same? does all religious subgroups intepret the torah or the talmud the same way? does it make sense that all jews follow some sort of rabbi?


No, as they are diverse, some are secular and don't give a shit about rabbis or torah or bible, some are karaim and dont give a shit about rabinic traditions or talmud, some take whatever tradition they personally like, and some are religious sheep who belong to different subgroups and follow different rabbis.


Do all catholics worship the pope?




The real enemy is the occult cabal and their social engineering minions here are doing all in their power to deflect the heat someplace else. If it weren't true, they wouldn't be pushing this narrative here.


now lets go to the concernfagging:


they are here on q research, yet they post shit that shows they don't believe in the movement or the plan any more. Why would a sane person come to a board he has no relation to, and post discouraging stuff to those who are there?




We do however need to differentiate them from actual newfags, and it is usually evident by the tone of the post.


and finally: spreading any other anti q messages.


when posters loudly spread agenda that contradicts the q crumbs, then they basically "wasting their time" as they are on a board they have no relation to. so a question is asked, why are they here?


any reasonable person who doesn't support something, WILL NEVER GO AND PARTICIPATE IN A BOARD THAT SUPPORTS IT.


So this can be either:


>1. a bored troll (low probability)




>2. a paid actor, a shill (high probability as he is getting paid to be here).


simple logical thinking will trump all shill agendas. Arm yourselves with reason anons

Anonymous ID: 5bbe28 Aug. 24, 2018, 10:18 a.m. No.2723914   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3933 >>3955 >>3960 >>4076 >>4080





Lets learn to apply logical thinking.


Do they support q messages? - NO

Do they post in q research? - YES

Does it make sense? - NO


Do they say the jews are evil? - YES

is trump's dauhgter jewish? YES

is his family in law jewish? - YES

Do these posters claim to support trump? - YES

Does it make sense? - NO


Do Jews allow non jews to convert? - YES

Is there a source? - YES


>Nowadays, with the notable exception of some Syrian Jewish communities, (primarily the Brooklyn, NY and Deal, NJ communities),[12] all mainstream forms of Judaism today are open to sincere converts,[13] with all denominations accepting converts converted by their denominations. The rules vary between denominations, as does acceptance of some denomations' converts by other denominations.


Do these posters claim to educate others with "veirfiable facts"? - YES

Do they bring solid sourced arguments - NO

Was it just proven regarding the conversion to judaism "argument"? - YES

Do they bring out of context sentences and phrases? - YES

Does it make sense? - NO


Did Q say that those who are the loudest are the most evil? - YES

Are these posters loud and vocal? - YES

Did he say that they are using all tactics of manipulation against this board? - YES



Why are they really here? - MONEY


conclusion? - SHILLS

Anonymous ID: 5bbe28 Aug. 24, 2018, 10:36 a.m. No.2724053   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4058 >>4087





logical thinking - lesson #2:


This is how a typical reply to a logical thinking post will look like.

Zero arguments and a pullback attempt using low iq shit-posting. Including repeating the same debunked "arguments" again with no source, and "muhjoo" ad-hominem.


When that happens it is MISSION ACCOMPLISHED:


  1. Shills panicking and exposing themselves using low iq shit-posts.

  2. New lurkers wil see the real colors of Q research and the Q movement.


==Remember. Never engage them in ego battles. They are getting paid for it, you are not. It will only achieve their goal of turning q research to "muhjoo" research, courtesy of ShareBlue and David Brock=

Anonymous ID: 5bbe28 Aug. 24, 2018, 10:54 a.m. No.2724232   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4371







Logical thinking lesson #3 - a review:


All these replies are shills that were fished using a single logical thinking post. Now smart anon will filter them, and new lurkers will see them for what they are. This is called MISSION ACCOMPLISHED as shills exposed themselves and self destructed.


Remember. Never engage them in ego battles. They are getting paid for it, you are not. It will only achieve their goal of turning q research to "muhjoo" research, courtesy of ShareBlue and David Brock.