Interesting thing about Muh Ivanka is that (((they))) don't accept her as one of (((them)))
Again, (((they))) don''t accept her as one of (((them))), so Muh Ivanka is irrelevant. Finally, I WISH I got paid to help redpill people on the JQ.
Checkin dese dubs and I feel similarly. I would've never been redpilled on the JQ if I didn't start (((noticing))) how a lot of aggressive anti-white rhetoric and media thinkpieces come from (((them))) and how they like to call themselves (((fellow white people))) when telling whites to stop acting in their interests, but will say "I'm not white I'm Jewish!" when a non-white labels them as such.
Yes, it does very much activate my almonds how it's the one single historical event in several thousands of years of recorded history that you're not allowed to ask questions about. But I guess that makes me a shill!
I grew up with punk, not metal, but have always found metalheads trend on the side of being "awake." Shortly after GamerGate there was a much smaller "MetalGate" where the metal community was fighting off colonizers whining that metal was "misogynistic." God bless the metalheads.